reality tv

Bachelor stars are celebrating Good Friday the only way Bachelor stars know how.

G’day, there. How are you?

I don’t need to inform you it’s Good Friday – AKA the single day of the year when it is mandated that you remain in your pyjamas and scoff down copious hot cross buns. (I’m disappointed if you’re not covered in a light dusting of crumbs as you read this.)

What you might not know about this sacred lazy day, though, is that the Easter long weekend looks a little different for our beloved reality TV stars.

You see, for the people who have snogged a stranger’s face on national telly in recent history, or submitted themselves to a ‘first impressions’ breakdance, Good Friday looks… a little different. And by that I mean it’s more… abs-y. More… naked-y. Less I-need-to-unbutton-my-jeans-immediately-y.

Love Bachelor in Paradise? Listen to Zara McDonald and I debrief on the latest episode below…

I’m impressed that not only did our Bachelor alums give up sweet treats for Lent, but also nobly sacrificed their wardrobes.

Because… well… I’m not sure why.

Kiki Morris

Not quite the buns I had in mind, but sure.

Matty J

“Just walkin’ on the beach and thinkin’ bout Jesus!”

Megan Marx

Absolutely contemplating a spontaneous baptism.

Jake Ellis

“All this religious grief has got me thinking – does everyone really have a Jake Ellis story?”

 Richie Strahan

Richie, ready to punch anyone who talks crap about the Lord.

Florence Alexandra

Just Flo, generously offering her bikini top up as yet another Lent sacrifice.

Laurina Fleure

Me too, Laurina. Me too.

Do you spend Good Friday like the Bachelor alums?

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