
Did Matt Preston just reveal Masterchef's final three on national television?

Cravat-wearing super-eater Matt Preston appeared on The Project last night as a special guest host, but may have ended up giving away more than just a few recipes.

As the show gets closer and closer to announcing its coveted winner, Matt gave The Project‘s viewers a little taste of what’s to come in the next elimination round with Marco Pierre White (airing tonight).

Apart from admitting that Marco’s eyes glaze over and he takes on a very frightening persona in the kitchen, Matt also talked about the next season of Masterchef and which contestants the sign-ups should emulate.

Spoiler warning. If you scroll past this point, you may just find out the top three and who is going home tonight. We are just going off a theory here…so we might be wrong. But we are pretty sure we are right.

As he began to list the top six though, who are obviously now deemed some of the best home-cooks in the country, it was clear which contestants Matt thought were going to be in the final three... and which were not.

He managed to list the names of the first three contestants easily.

Georgia, Billie and Sara.

They are the known favourites to win in the competition, so this made total sense.

Read more: EXCLUSIVE: MasterChef’s Rose responds to the fans who think she should go home.

But it was the last three that he struggled to remember... Jessica, Reynold and.... well, Matt left it at that.

That's right, he said all five contestants bar one.


Check out Matt Preston forgetting to name Matthew.

Read more: Eliminated Masterchef contestant weighs in on who will win this year’s crown.

Immediately, The Project's Facebook fans picked up on the error and decided that Matthew must be the person who leaves the show during tonight's elimination.

Matt and the Masterchef team know who the top 3 contestants are before the rest of us do, so it makes sense that tonight's episode would already be filmed. And therefore, the top 5 is already known.

And that apparently doesn't include Matthew. Awkward.

Of course nothing has been confirmed, but all signs point to yes. Right?

Read more: We just found Masterchef judge, Marco’s son. You want to see him too.

Check out Matt Preston talking about Marco Pierre White. 

TAP the picture to see some of the delicious MasterChef dishes...

Did you notice the slip-up?


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