
"I had a realisation about men while watching Married At First Sight's Jo and Sean."

I had a realisation while watching Jo and Sean on Married At First Sightmen are kinda d*cks.

Firstly, let me just say that Jo was a delight. She was fun, bubbly and just generally awesome, and if I swung that way, I would totally want to be with her.

But despite her winning personality and infectious smile, which has the ability to light up a thousand rooms, Sean, 39, made it perfectly clear from the very beginning that he was not into her. Which is fine – you’re not going to be attracted to every person you meet – but did he have to be such a d*ck about it?

Here’s the thing, when women don’t find men attractive, we’re never mean to them. At the very least, we’re happy to have gained a friend. Unless they’re complete a**holes, and then all bets are off.

But Sean couldn't even do that. His treatment of Jo, 39, was at times just cruel and soul-destroying.

I don't know if he was holding out for Karlie Kloss to walk down that aisle, but guess what, Sean - she ain't coming.

If a guy likes you, it's obvious. They practically turn into drooling cartoon characters around you. But they make it just as obvious if they don't like you, too.

And Sean wasn't the only guy on this year's Married At First Sight to treat his partner badly. Mat did it to Alycia and Justin did it to Carly, too.

Can somebody please tell me why these fully grown men went on a television show to find everlasting love if they had no intention of even giving their brides a chance?

Clearly they all had some superficial checklist and they were looking for someone who would tick all of the boxes.

Jo, Alycia and Carly all tried so desperately to make their relationships work. Maybe the attraction wasn't immediately there for them either, but they never made it obvious. And they were still determined to nurture their relationships and see if they could grow something real.

But their partners didn't even give them a chance. It was clear the men had decided pretty much from the get-go that they weren't even going to give it a try, and that must've felt devastating for the women.

So in addition to being made to feel horrible about themselves, the women were also forced to lug around their partners like a dead weight. A literal ball and chain.

Men of Australia, if you are reading this, please don't judge women so harshly. Especially when you don't even know us. We don't expect you to be attracted to every woman you meet, but would it kill you to at the very least just be nice?

Is Married At First Sight problematic? Post continues below.

Also, most women do a good enough job of judging themselves. They don't need a bunch of men doing the same, feeding their insecurities and making every bad thought they've ever had about themselves a reality.

Take the time to get to know us - and really get to know us. Chances are most of these women who you're passing on at first glance have really amazing personalities and you're missing out on something pretty special. When you're both old and wrinkly, I guarantee you'll just want someone you can really connect with and talk to.

In the end, I'm glad Jo never ended up with Sean, because he didn't deserve her. She deserves to be with a man who can see and appreciate just how amazing she truly is every single day.

And the fact that Sean couldn't do that just may be the reason he's still single.

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Top Comments

Taylor Morgan 6 years ago

Lololol. She obviously didn’t do a good job of judging herself because she sounded delusional. Completely delusion. I’m awkward and inappropriate. This woman is insane.
I needed space after 20 seconds. Of course they never spoke. How could he get a word in?
She was busy schreeching at all the guests at every table instead of trying to make a good impression on the most important person in the ceremony, the person she wants to be loved by.
Nope. Busy working the room like a comedy show and leaving him alone to watch her screech from afar.

Sheesh 6 years ago

Is this an April fools day joke??

“when women don’t find men attractive, we’re never mean to them”

Ummm... that is an incredibly ignorant comment to make. I have no idea what ur basing that on (maybe ur very nice) but trust me, women can be BRUTAL... you have no idea how so.

“Clearly they had some superficial checklist and were looking for someone who would tick all the boxes”

Again... what??? This is a WAY more prevalent thing for women to do. Women and their dating lists is a cliche for a reason. Tall? Confident? Funny? Strong? Ambitious? Good hair? Good teeth? Dresses well? Etc etc

Men are much easier to please than women... it honestly would be good if women dated / tried to woo other women, u would be robbed of these thoughts you’ve expressed very, very quickly.

As an experiment, create a tinder account using pics of an average guy... just see how it goes for u.