
IMPORTANT INFO: How to make sure you are registered to vote for marriage equality.

It’s time to get your details in order with the Australian Electoral Commission because the government has confirmed we’re going ahead with a non-compulsory, non-binding and expensive plebiscite postal vote.

The only thing worse than the vote itself? A ‘no’ result.

It comes after the government lost its attempt to restore the plebiscite bill in the senate this morning. An absolute majority was needed to win and, when that wasn’t attained (it was 31-31), the coalition’s dreams for taking the plebiscite to the polling booths died.

Instead, it will go to a postal vote. Non-compulsory, but still with all the hate that’s bound to come up in the ‘debate’ surrounding same sex marriage.

The government has confirmed the Australian Bureau of Statistics is in charge of the vote, HuffPost reports. But the letters will arrive in the mail according to the information you have registered with the electoral roll (AEC).

(It’s like the census all over again but, you know, with basic human rights.)


Before last year's federal election, almost one million Australians weren't enrolled to vote. Thirty-thousand of these people (almost 18 per cent) were in the 18-25 age bracket. Remember Brexit? Every vote counts.

Though many of these people enrolled after an AEC advertising blitz, there have been many people turn 18 in the last 12 months who may have forgotten to register, also.

This vote is over a matter of love. Of a person's right to happiness and connection and their own identity. The deeply personal has been turned into politics and electoral promises and now, it will become a government-funded 'debate'.

Love should never be an issue for debate... The most we can do? Register to vote, and vote 'yes'.

(I'll even tell you how to do it).

Mia Freedman sits down with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Post continues below.

The letters are due to start arriving mid-September. The process for updating information on the AEC website is "almost instantaneous", according to a spokesperson who spoke to HuffPost.

To enroll to vote, you will need evidence of your identity, such as a driver's licence or Australian passport. If you don't have any of these, just someone to confirm your identity will do.

Click here to enroll.

To update your address, the process is simpler. But you need to enlist an address you've lived at for at least 30 days. According to the spokesperson who spoke to HuffPost, the process of updating your address should take no more than "four minutes".

Click here to update your details.

Let's win this, once and for all.

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Top Comments

james b 7 years ago

Anyone who thinks that marriage is a direct path to happiness has never been married. I'm not saying that marriage doesn't cause happiness, but if you're unhappy in life, I don't think getting married is going to cure that.

LJ 7 years ago

I don't think that's why people want marriage equality but good try