
Open Post: How has your week been?

Hello and welcome to the Mamamia Open Post of the week.


I could tell you that Open Post was a brilliant idea that I came up with this morning but that would be a lie. I could also tell you that this is the first Open Post in the history of Mamamia but that would be a lie too.

The truth is that Open Post is something that we do weekly here at Mamamia. This is the post where each week we open up the floor to our audience, to find out what’s been going on in your world.

Commenting is encouraged – along with sharing advice, seeking advice, rejoicing, commiserating and chit-chat in general.

I’ll get the ball rolling by telling you what’s been going on in my world this week…

This is me enjoying Sydney.


I’m usually a resident of Brisbane but I’m writing typing these words from the Mamamia office in sunny Sydney. I’m on a working holiday and it feels great.

However, since leaving Brisbane, I’ve noticed my own tendency to compare Sydney to Brisbane at every opportunity. Every time I’ve eaten a great burger, I’ve compared it to the burgers that I’ve eaten in Brisbane. The same applies to every cocktail, taco, breakfast, coffee, bus ride or piece of fruit that I’ve had since being in Sydney.

And do you know what? Sydney has mostly come out on top. But the thing is, Sydney has an unfair advantage. The advantage being that I’m on holidays, and therefore everything is new, fun and exciting.

I’m not the only person with a tendency to compare their hometown with their holiday destination. I’ve coined the term and I’m calling it Hometown Sledging.

Hometown Sledging [hohm–toun slej-ing]: Vocally critiquing your hometown or previous city of residence as soon as you move or go on a holiday.

How could you NOT love Sydney?

Overall, it’s just quite a negative thing to do. Can we all (re: me) stop dwelling on the negatives and start focusing on the positives instead. Am I right or am I right? *Insert phrase about sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.*

P.S. Do you know what else is fun? Italics. Sorry for the excessive use.

Are you also guilty of Hometown Sledging? What else is on your mind this week? 

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Top Comments

Babyonthebrain 9 years ago

All omm's.

Just saw the Serena Williams for Berlei ad and LOVE it. Don't know why, maybe because she seems so awesome and in control and Berlei seemed to work with that?

We're thinking about trying for bub number 2 from maybe mid year. I need to lose some kg's before we start. I'm still a few over from previous bub ( now 3) and am feeling pretty unfit and unhealthy at the moment - I just feel like I need to freshen up, get my energy up and get in a better physical condition to manage pregnancy and then baby and child well, without dropping the ball with my bigger boy too.

Wish me luck on all counts!

EuropeGirl 9 years ago

OMM: the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. I just can not believe the amount of people who are saying that it has been so long and that we should forget about it (this is in Germany where I live). People are saying that it was a different generation and not their fault. I may not be our fault but we should still never ever forget what happened. Especially nowadays, with so much hatred directed against refugees, we should rememeber those times and make sure it does not happen again.

IrishLaura 9 years ago

How sad that that is the attitude in Germany. It reminds me of the attitude here in Australia that I am always hearing about the Stolen Generation - "It was a different generation and not our fault." We still need to remember and try to make it right, and ensure that history never repeats itself...

Patrick C 9 years ago

If we do not remember history we are doomed to repeat our mistakes. Your point about refugees is most pertinent. The carry on about "people smugglers" is a case in point. Oskar Schindler was a people smuggler who is lauded the world over. László Ürge (Les Murray) the SBS broadcaster was saved by a people smuggler when the Russians invaded Hungary in the 1950's we forget all this thanks to the wedge politics of John Howard.