
Open Post: Tell us what's going on in your world.





Hello, Mamamia readers.

Phoebe here with this week’s Open Post, I’m interning at Mamamia. If you’re new, this is where we give you an excuse to chat about how our weeks are going.

I’ll start us off. I’m having a bit of a life crisis.

I have just come back from a three-month holiday through Europe with some friends. Before you jump in, being back home and losing my tan is not the crisis (although it’s up there on my list of problems.). Prior to leaving I quit my job and deferred my studies in order to leave for as long as I did.

The trip was amazing but all that I’m thinking now that I’m back is:

  1. I have no job and therefore no money;
  2. I have deferred my one and only final subject until the end of 2015 (thus pushing back my graduation by another whole year); and
  3. All of my classmates have finished their courses and now have glamorous jobs.

I apologise for this petty pity party (of one) but I feel like everyone around me is doing what is required of them in life. Go to uni, graduate, get a good job.

We have been given these “Life guidelines” since we were in high school, without any alternative to the status quo.

By me not finishing my degree in the recommended three-year timeline and not having any other internships or job opportunities lined up; am I ruining my chances at having a successful and acceptable life? I don’t know if I am looking for advice or whether I just want to be reassured.

Okay, enough from me! Over to you. How’s your week going? 

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