
Open Post: 43 hours spent in Melbourne.




Hi Mamamia readers. How’s your week been?

Welcome back to another installment of Open Post. This is place where we all come together as a community and talk about what’s been happening in our week so far.

I’ll kick us off.

This weekend I spent 43 hours in Melbourne. And what a glorious 43 hours it was.

I had the pleasure of attending Derby Day as the guest of Tourism Victoria. It was all champagne and five-course meals of things I couldn’t pronounce and money that I didn’t have being thrown around on races that I didn’t understand.

It was fancy with a capital F.

I was put up in the very new, very exclusive Superior Suite at The Sheraton, situated in the centre of Melbourne. A fruit platter with a card featuring my name was waiting for me. The most comfortable bed I’ve ever laid in was waiting for me. I had never been to Melbourne before and this was absolutely the way to experience it.

You could say it made coming back to my house in the western suburbs of Sydney a bit of a drag.

Flowers, carrots, feta cheese and.. rice bubbles? Whatever it was, it was good. And fancy.

I just have one small qualm with the city. The weather. I’ve been soaking up the Queensland sunshine on weekends and the Sydney warmth during the weeks. So when Melbourne truly put on its best four-seasons-in-one-day attitude, I was not prepared. Like, didn’t even bring a jumper.

But that’s all. Maybe I’ve been living in Sydney too long (unlikely, it’s been three months), maybe the sunshine has made me crazy. But Melbourne has skyrocketed to the top of my favourite cities list.

The bed of my dreams at The Sheraton Melbourne.


It’s really one of those places that lives up to the hype. I had no expectations when I arrived. But when my plane took off, I found myself getting pretty sad.

There’s no other way to say it: I’m a little bit in love with you, Melbourne. And I can’t wait to come back.

Anyway, enough from me! It’s your turn. How’s your week going? 

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Top Comments

anna s 9 years ago

Omm- first period since miscarriage . It arrived exactly when I would have been 14 weeks . No logic could overcome the emotion. Feeling pretty shit :(

Singki 9 years ago

Sending hugs to you Anna. Try to take good care of yourself and be kind to yourself xxx

goose 9 years ago

Sorry to hear that Anna :( Take care of yourself, it's a shitty thing to happen. If it's any consolation, it's happened to a a lot of us out there (me included). So if you need anyone to talk to about it, this site is a good place to open up.

Bookkat 9 years ago

Just another Wednesday... Stood in a line for 65 minutes to meet Richard Flanagan at work today (Man Booker Prize winner 2014). After being up all night vomiting and not being able to sleep it was a little annoying. But when I finally got there, he wrote in my book, shook my hand and took my congratulations with a warm smile and a genuine thanks. Made it all worth it!

Also, absolutely loving the responses to a_little_lost down below. It shows the best of what MM has to offer - intelligent, kind and thoughtful people!

Singki 9 years ago

How did you manage to stand up for so long? Well done indeed. You are recovering in great leaps and bounds (not literally, of course). Or perhaps literarily (is that even a word?)

suprwoman101 9 years ago

His man-booker book is on my next to read list!

goose 9 years ago

Thinking about you this week, as I'm reading a great book and can't find anyone else who has read it! Jonathan Saffran Foer's Extremely Loud and incredibly Close? Only just started it, but it's so good so far! Was wondering if you'd read it too and your thoughts?

Zepgirl 9 years ago

I stood in the one spot for seven hours to see Robert Plant at Byron Bay last year. No bathroom breaks. That's not an exaggeration. I'm pretty sure I did permanent damage to my feet. But I love him, so it was worth the pain!