
The collage of your life. Sorted





Every year, at Christmas, I make a collage of the last twelve months. It’s a present for my husband. More trouble but less expensive than an iPad and always appreciated. They’re nothing fancy, just one of those A3 glass frames with a higgldy piggldy  collection of photos, some pages torn out from diaries and calendars and a random selection of kids’ drawings.

Problem is, so much of our lives is now digital – big chunks are missing from my collages – tweets, Facebook posts, sports day videos, Tumblrs that took my breath away, screenshots from my son’s footy blog.

Then there are the hundreds of photos I never print out. They exist on my hard drive but hard drives are soft targets for thieves, lightning strikes and plain, old-fashioned techno borking.

What we all need, of course, is a Time Capsule, like they had on Happy Days. Where all the most precious snippets of our lives could be stored, warm and dry, to be dug up by future generations to admire, ponder, and laugh at (actually, some haircuts and ski-suits should be erased from history altogether).

No wall collage is big enough and no hard drive is safe enough to do the job. And where to bury your titanium time capsule? (Assuming Bunnings sells them which at the time of writing, they don’t). Not that many Australian backyards have a suitable burial site and those that do will no doubt subdivide within a generation. All those memories lost beneath townhouses.

This is why Lifewise, together with Mamamia, is building you your very own Time Capsule. Yes, they are. And it’s free as well as weatherproof, fireproof and weighs less than nothing. You can keep all your photos, tweets, Tumbr pics, Pinterest pins and whatever else the world comes up with in one safe place. Forever. You can share it, keep it, ignore it for fifty years. Up to you.

To find out more and keep up to date on the progress of the Lifewise Mamamia Time Capsule, visit the Lifewise Facebook Page and like it.

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What would you put in your Time Capsule for posterity? What would you prefer to be forgotten?

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Top Comments

Bob Bollocks 12 years ago

Where's the Einstein time travel crap that linked to this drivel?

Faggy 12 years ago

Go devil. Looking up till saltpan.