
Best and Worst: How was your week?

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to Best and Worst, an opportunity for Mamamia readers to share the best and worst parts of their week.

I’ll get the ball rolling:

Best: Well, I’ve been doing an intensive internship here at Mamamia for the past two weeks, and I’d be lying if I said that being here hasn’t been the best part of both weeks. While this is my first internship (so I don’t really have much to go by), I can’t imagine that there could have been a more fun and accepting group of people to intern with than the Mamamia team.

Another ‘best’ is, of course, that Easter is getting closer and so is that coveted feeling of eating chocolate guilt-free for a day or two.

Worst: With this intensive internship being my first real stint at working 9- 5 days, I’m seeing exactly why daylight saving was invented… Not that I didn’t know, but as a uni student with 18 hours worth of class in my week, there’s no shortage of time for me to play in the sun.

Getting home at around 6 every evening leaves no time to get outside and soak up some sun or do some exercise, and while I have ambitiously set my alarm for 6am a few times with the loose intention of going for a run (or walk, if I’m honest), bed just doesn’t want to let me leave that early in the morning…

This ol’ 9-5 working day thing might also explain why there are so many gyms scattered around the place, and why the treadmills and cross-trainers (the use of which I’d previously been perplexed by) are always occupied when there’s a spare moment for the busy workers of the world.

This taste of adulthood has made me appreciate my relaxed uni life a little more and has sparked the idea of lengthening my university degree so I can postpone becoming a full-time worker. Treadmills and cross trainers, no playing in the sunshine, staring at a computer screen for longer than is natural – that can all wait!

On My Mind: I have a very long and heavily-weighted research assignment awaiting my attention over the Easter long weekend. Doing this will, of course, be interspersed with the occasional (or very regular) Easter egg hunt – that’s a normal thing for a 20-year-old to do alone, right?

Anyway, that’s enough from me… How’s your week been? If it’s been bad, hopefully it picks up with the extended break over Easter!

Emily Simpson is originally from Orange, NSW. She’s currently studying Arts/Law at the Australian National University.

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Top Comments

Bec 10 years ago

I missed this on Friday because I was prepping for a major feast!
Hope everyone had a great Easter.

Anita Bartkowiak 10 years ago

Best- being home for Easter to see how excited my girls were this morning
Worst- having had surgery this week on a badly fractured fibula, which means further surgery in 10-12weeks, at least 6 weeks off my feet, and no work for probably 2-3mths, and even then only part time to start (I manage a restaurant so on my feet 40+hrs most weeks)
OMM- what financial strains being off work for so long is going to put on our family