
Best and Worst: We want to hear about your week.






Happy Friday and welcome to this week’s Best and Worst. If you haven’t hung out at Mamamia on a Friday before, let me give you a quick run down on how it works.

Best and Worst is where we all come together to discuss the best parts of our week, the worst parts of our week, and really anything in between. Anyone is welcome and we want to hear whatever you have to say.

Let us chat, reminisce, rejoice, commiserate and share over coffee, tea, hot chocolate or a sneaky vino – whatever takes your fancy.

I’ll go first.

Best: The best for me this week is, no question, starting an intensive internship at Mamamia. It’s been a hectic week, doing my best to make like a sponge and absorb as much knowledge as I possibly can from the team in the short time that I’m here.

I’ve also been enjoying my final weeks in the life of a Sydneysider before I go back to my Victorian roots. You can catch me strolling around Darling Harbour, enjoying the sunshine and generally feeling gleeful that I’m missing the 40+ temperatures Melbourne has been suffering through. (Sorry family!)

Worst: PACKING. Oh dear lord, the packing. Procrastination is not an option either, because people have to come and actually LOOK at the room. I have an inkling that a floor-drobe wouldn’t be the most appealing sight. On the to do list: tidy EVERYTHING.

Just as enjoying Sydney falls under my best, my mixed emotions sort of qualifies it for my worst as well. I’m thrilled about how much more I’ll be able to see my family and friends from home, but at the same time I’m leaving a city and a whole bunch of friends that I absolutely adore. But that’s life. As my (very wise) mother would say, “swings and roundabouts”.

I’ve rambled for long enough – tell us about your week!

What’s on your mind? What’s your best and worst?

Amy is a media and communications student passionate about travel, culture and social issues. She’s also obsessed with pictures of cats on the internet which she definitely doesn’t spend too much time looking at.

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Top Comments

Ann 10 years ago

Best; My eldest son was picked for his school's gymnastics team in the same week as my best mate's daughter got into the swimming team, we're both so proud it hurts! ( Not for our sakes, but to see them both achieve something they have worked and trained so hard for).
Worst; Seeing the disappointment on the faces of the other kids who weren't picked. They really needed a cuddle when they got home, which I'm sure they got.

Kelly R 10 years ago

Best: I put on 20kg when I went on medication 3 years ago and haven't been able to shift it. It makes me feel horrible being so unhealthy, was previously very fit and slim and never had to worry about weight. Came off the meds 4 months ago and this week I started a new exercise/diet plan. 6 days in and I've lost 3kg! Probably just water weight but I'll take it. Very motivating to see results so quickly and already starting to feel a bit more like 'me' again. Lets hope the rest comes off in time for our wedding next February :)

Worst: Saw yet another doctor about getting the Essure procedure. Third one in the last year to scoff at me and tell me I'll 'change my mind'. Like someone who has met me for 5 minutes knows me better than I know myself. My partner of 8.5 years came with me this time so we could provide a united front so to speak, the last couple of doctors brought up the fact he may want children one day (and in the cold day in hell that happens of course I'm meant to go against all my beliefs and provide one for him?! Pfft). Alas, having him there didn't make a difference, got the same lecture and booted out really quickly. Very upsetting and ridiculous I can't make informed decisions for my own body.

Bubbling with Happiness 10 years ago

Congratulations on losing 3kg, Kelly R. I have been trying to shift 6kg off my body and I know how hard it has been to avoid various foods and exercise. You're doing so well. Keep it up!!

Kelly R 10 years ago

Thanks! Jumped on the scales this morning and lost another 1kg... yeeha! I'm not finding eating healthy too hard as I don't like 'junk' foods but doing so much exercise is killing me. SO tired. Can't wait to be fit again though so will soldier on :)