
Best and Worst: A night spent with hilarious women.

Come on, tell us about your week.

Hello, friendly Mamamia faces,

Welcome to Best and Worst. If you’re a regular, hello again, and please skip over the next few sentences as you know the drill. If you’re here for the first time, this is a very friendly space for you to come and tell us about your best for the week, and the worst.

I’ll go first, as I have a very good best to brag about. This week, some members of the Mamamia team went to comedy show Frocking Hilarious, which was (as promised) f***ing hilarious.

We saw the likes of Em Rusciano, Fiona O’Laghlin, Denise Scott and Gretel Killeen and many more people be very, very funny, and all for a very, very good cause. The comedians were raising money for Action Aid, a global movement of people working together to further human rights and defeat poverty for all.

A definite highlight of the night for me was seeing Denise Scott talk about how she wore 3/4 pants. It was hilarious! Oh, the things she said.

OK, it doesn’t sound hilarious when I tell the joke back, I get that. But I’m not a comedian so you’ll just have to trust me, the night was incredible.

My worst on the other hand was the realisation that Winter still exists as a season and is almost upon us. I sincerely hope if I close my eyes, click my heels three times, and escape to Hawaii for 3 months, this chilly season just won’t happen this year.

What about you? What was your best? What was your worst? What joke do you want to retell very poorly?

Want more? Try:

Best and Worst: How was your week?

Best and Worst: What’s up with the cost of your public transport, Sydney?

Mamamia Best and Worst: A trip to a chocolate cafe.

Top Comments

Eternally 9 years ago

Best: going back to work after 18 months battling cancer.
Worst: fear of the cancer coming back

Keyla 9 years ago

All the best!

Jane 9 years ago

Best: Busy at work – yes, I love being busy!

Worst: I was supposed to have a personal training session today after work but she didn't show up. I got a text message half an hour later saying she was stuck at her other job and her phone hadn't been working.

Last week she messaged me an hour before training saying she was sick and could we reschedule. On Easter Monday she didn't show and messaged me later saying her car had broken down.

I'm starting to think it may be a case of "three strikes and you're out". I don't have time to waste trekking into the city for a session that may or may not happen (my PT is at a private studio).

Keyla 9 years ago

Find another trainer. You're her client, she has a responsibility to make it to your session on time.