
Innovations that make mornings (and life in general) so much better.

Thanks to our brand partner, Nescafé

There are two types of people in this world. Those who are morning risers and those who are night owls. You know what I’m talking about, right?

The morning risers are the people who spring out of bed at the crack of dawn, energised and ready to go, go, go. They tick off all of the things on their to-do list and get some shuteye nice and early.

On the other end of the spectrum, night owls are those who are more efficient when the sun goes down. They’re prepping for the following day into the late hours of the night, usually so they can get a few more glorious minutes of time between the sheets when the morning alarm starts to buzz.

It’s safe to say that I’m the latter, mornings and I generally don’t agree. That is, unless it involves sleeping in and not leaving my bed until after midday… which let’s face it, never rarely happens.

That’s why I’ve come to discover some excellent innovations that make my mornings, and life in general, a whole lot easier. Take it from me when I tell you the following items are absolute game changers and will have you kicking arse when it comes to your morning routine, whether you’re up bright and early or taking a few extra minutes of snooze time

1. Nescafe Red Mug Coffee Machine.

We all know what the first thought is that comes to mind the moment we wake up. Coffee. And with the Nescafe Red Mug Machine, there’s nothing standing between you and a warm, frothy cappuccino, a perfectly layered latte or my personal favourite, a long black with a splash of cold milk.

The machine is specifically designed for people like us who enjoy café-style quality coffee at home, without the price tag. And the machine couldn’t be easier to use. There’s no fussing around trying to grind your own coffee or frothing your milk separately. You simply use your usual favourite NESCAFÉ instant coffee and machine does it all for you in one cup.

You can also alter the strength of your coffee by adding more or less of your NESCAFÉ BLEND 43 into the machine and frothing your usual amount of milk. How simple it that? With this gadget you’ll be proud of your instant coffee drinking status.

"You’ll be proud of your instant coffee drinking status." Image via iStock.

2. Jaffle Maker.

The thing that always comes after coffee is breakfast. And I’ll let you in on a little secret. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING, tastes better once it’s been through a Jaffle Maker. It’s a saviour for people like me who aren’t the best cooks.

There are so many options for what you can fill your jaffle with that I guarantee, you will never get bored. You can’t go wrong with a ham and cheese jaffle, which is usually my go-to. If you want to be a little bit fancy, you can go for a banana and ricotta jaffle or if you have a sweet tooth, you can’t go past a chocolate and hazelnut jaffle. Yummm.

A Jaffle Maker also revives bread that’s a few days old or might have come out of the fridge or freezer, so it saves a trip down to the supermarket. Another bonus is a jaffle is perfect to eat on the run as it seals the bread around the edges, making them the no-fuss option you need to get out the door fast.

3. Dryer.

Now I know what you’re thinking. What’s so special about a dryer? I’ll let you in on a fantastic life hack that’s come to my rescue many times in the morning. While most of us use the dryer to obviously dry our clothes, it also has another nifty function.

Ironing. That’s right, forget whipping out the ironing board and fiddling around with your iron, throw your wrinkly items in the dryer instead. It’s usually best to do this earlier in the morning to give the dryer enough time to work its magic. Pull out your item of clothing just before it’s time to head off and it will look as though you’ve taken it for a trip to the dry cleaner, without the added time. Promise.

4. Ultrasonic Facial Brush.

We all know that our morning beauty routine can take a good chunk of time out of our precious early hours. That’s where my ultrasonic facial brush comes to the rescue. All you have to do is pop your cleaner on its head, turn it on and massage away. Move the brush in circular motions around your face for 15 seconds and let the bristles do the work.

It provides a deep clean but is gentle enough on your skin where it won’t cause irritation. It leaves my skin feeling clean, fresh and soft. Trust me when I say both your skin and morning routine will thank you for it.

5. Hair Straightener.

If there’s one thing I don’t have time to do in the morning, it’s spending heaps of time on getting my hair looking presentable for the outside world. That’s why my hair straightener and I are inseparable. It’s the perfect all in one styling tool.

As well as straightening your hair, most models these days make it very easy to run a few quick curls through if you’re after something different too. If your hair is a few days old, never fear. All you need to do is run it through your ponytail a couple of times for a sleek look.

After introducing these items to my morning routine, not only have they made the start to my day easier, but they’ve also put a spring in my step. I’m now hitting the snooze button less and nailing life more. And there’s nothing better than that.

How do you get up and at 'em in the morning?

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