
Madonna on Letterman


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MissManly 15 years ago

Yep...a typical split Botox face. 30 year old top half, 50 year old bottom half...Can't freeze those jowls! There is a woman catching my ferry like that. From behind, you'd think - 30. Pamela Anderson blonde hair, skinny body, high heels....from the front you can see something is slightly off. Marble-smooth, perfectly young top half and an aged bottom half...She just looks old.

I do agree it is time for Madonna to go easier on the Botox...As for the cheeks filler...hmm....I can understand how hard it must be to accept the hard hasal folds that she sported even in her late 30s...I think if she dropped the fillers, her cheeks would be much too flat and saggy! I think she looks good, albeit with a slight "uncanny valley' effect.

Otherwise...Madonna is a big big love of my life! I grew up with her music and she is one special lady.

lisa 15 years ago

how can she not have tried pizza in new york ever..what a croc..you can tell shes hating eating it..whats with the cheeks