
This lesbian parody of the Lynx body spray commercials is brilliant.

So you know how sometimes when a male walks past you and he smells so delicious you start running after him and taking your clothes off?

No? Me either.

In a spoof of Lynx (sold as ‘Axe’ in the US) body spray’s ‘sexy-women-lusting-after-Lynx-scented-men’ commercials, the Gay Women Channel bring you this refreshing critique of the genre.

Here’s a rundown: Elderly lady accidentally applies body spray to her hair before heading out for the day. Upon leaving her apartment,  her ‘scent’ catches the attention of large numbers of beautiful women who manically chase her through the street whilst removing items of clothing. Obviously.

Have a watch:

Bella Westaway is a 20-year-old journalism student and an intern at Mamamia. You can check out her blog here.

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Top Comments

Mi 10 years ago

The Gay Women Channel? Wtf?

guest 10 years ago

Quite specific, isn't it? i imagine they show of lot of Ellen re-runs...

candyk 10 years ago

So we can have dedicated sports, food, lifestyle, beauty, shopping, crime, music and every other dedicated channel possible but not one exclusively for gay women? I fail to see what's so "wtf" about it.

candyk 10 years ago

Yeah, because there is absolutely no diversity within our community at all and all us "gay women" watch is Ellen. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.