
5 simple ways to get that wide-awake feeling without the caffeine hit.





It’s a common scenario: push the snooze button far too many times to admit to, roll out of bed, grab a coffee and just like magic, you’re awake. But here’s the thing, while caffeine isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be (research shows coffee consumption can lower your chance of stroke and help prevent liver, oral, colon and endometrial cancer) it does create a false sense of boosted energy. Here, five super simple ways to get that wide-awake feeling without the caffeine hit.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Fab Iron. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

1. Embrace the sunshine

Feeling fatigued? Head outside and treat yourself to a few minutes of sun every day to reduce stress hormones, lower blood pressure and increase serotonin levels that lift not just your energy, but your mood as well. Opt for 10 minutes a day outside the hours of 10am-4pm for a safe daily dose of vitamin D that’s sure to make you feel alive.

2. Up your daily intake of water

It sounds so simple but one of the biggest causes of low energy levels is dehydration. Just ask the scientists at Loughborough University, whose study of energy levels in athletes revealed that a small 5% drop in hydration can cause a 25-30% loss in energy. So how much water do you need? It all depends on your size, activity levels, stress, climate and diet, but as a general rule of thumb aim for between 1.2 and 2 litres per day.

3. Increase your iron levels

As the world’s top nutrient deficiency, you have to ask yourself why iron is always overlooked? Especially considering it’s such a superhero against fatigue. Iron is an essential mineral that transports oxygen, maintains healthy blood levels and releases energy into your system, but the problem is, many of you just aren’t getting enough. Women require 18mg a day but most consume less than 10mg within their daily diet, often resulting in a long-term loss of energy. The remedy? Include more iron-rich foods in your diet and take a daily supplement to help boost your levels back up. When searching for the perfect supplement look for an option that’s made from an organic chelated iron and contains vitamin C for easier absorption.

4. Breathe properly

Let’s take a moment to inhale a few deep breaths. Go on, don’t be shy. Filling your lungs with deep, re-energising breaths can do wonders for fatigue, as the oxygen helps boost energy almost immediately. When you feel a slump coming on, simply step away from what you’re doing (work can wait!) and take a deep breath in for the count of 5, hold for 2 counts and exhale for a count of 5. Repeat this process 5 times for an instant pick-me-up.

5. Snack right

Rather than reaching for the sugary mid-afternoon treat prepare yourself with the right kind of snacks. Everything from green juices and smoothies to raw energy balls (made with oats, shredded coconut, slivered almonds, chia seeds, unsweetened almond milk, almond butter and rice malt syrup) are the ideal way to fuel your body and perhaps even balance out your weight as well. The key is preparation! Set aside some time on the weekend to pre-pack your lunches and snacks for the week ahead. Look for snacks that contain less energy-zapping sugar and more healthy fats, protein and fibre to ensure you remain satisfied for hours on end.

How do you boost your energy levels? Without coffee.

FAB IRON is a gentle, easy to absorb iron supplement with energy boosting B group vitamins to help restore energy and overall health. Available in liquid, tablets and capsules.


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Top Comments

Jubilation 10 years ago

I'll stick to the coffee, thank you ! I'm afraid that I am of the opinion that all that vitamin supplements do for you is give you expensive urine.

Avi Vince 10 years ago

Hey that's funny. My doctor is anti supplements too but even he has put me on iron supplements. And that says something!