
Have you ever lost - or found - a pet?

Warning: if you have a tendency to cry in any movie, Youtube videos or even advertisements featuring an animal, you’re going to need an industrial pack of tissues.

Because there’s something about a missing-pet-comes-home story that strikes a chord in even the most hardened and cynical of hearts. And this one right here is a good’un.

In July last year, Dora the dog jumped the fence of her owners’ yard in Texas, USA, startled by the Independence Day fireworks. Despite weeks of fruitless searching, Dora’s owners never gave up hope of finding their beloved pet.

On 5 February this year, she was found in another part of the state when Collin County Animal Services scanned her microchip. They believed her to be a stray.

The footage of Dora’s reunion with her owner is an understated but truly touching human-animal moment. Seeing Dora slowly recognise and respond to her owner’s touch is so very, very lovely.

Take a look here:

What about you.. Have you ever had a lost pet or found a pet?



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Top Comments

Sydgel 11 years ago

I love love love these stories because it teaches us humans how intelligent and special and amazing dogs are. So many humans think "just a dog" such the wrong attitude.

Dogs love their owners, not everyone. That's why I've always been so scared and super careful of losing mine. But it happens even to the most careful and responsible owner.

It must be so scarey and frustrating for lost dogs, they can't talk, tell someone they're lost or find out where they're parents are. That's why it is so important, if you see a dog walking on it's own, to try to catch it and keep it otherwise it will get hit by a car. I always do this if I see a lone dog and hope someone would do the same for mine if they ever got lost.

Dogs are so incredibly special, they give us so much and they love us so much.

Deb 11 years ago

I have 2 small dogs one is nearly 16 and the other is nearly 13 years old they never leave the house due to there being so many large dogs around with no muzzles on. I think this should be considered more when you have a large dog even greyhounds from adopt a greyhound program still have to where muzzles even though they are generally more placid than your average large dog.

MissRiss 11 years ago

Why do you think large dogs are more aggressive? I have met far more aggressive small dogs than large dogs, and my sister, who is a vet, has said she is far more likely to receive a bite from a small/medium dog than a large one.

Also, greyhounds are not required to wear a muzzle if the owner completes the relevant state's course on greyhound ownership.

Sydgel 11 years ago

Yes little dogs can be very snappy and cause damage. But unlike big dogs they can't kill instantly or cause the level of damage a small dog can.

Don't worry, my dogs (small) have been attacked by one small dog very badly and one large dog, equally scarey.

Also that greyhound program is not available in every state as yet. Not sure where it is available at present. They have to be tested properly too. I fostered a greyhound who was absolutely fine with my two small dogs and for the first few times in the park with other dogs. Then one day she just went ballistic on a small poodle attacking it. It was ok, thank God I got her off it very quickly. It's not they greyhounds fault at all, they are the most placid, beautiful gentle dogs, I grew up with them, it's the bloody humans and the way they trained them to race that affects them. When Greys are dumped you just don't know what they've been put thru. But my God they are beautiful, gentle, wonderful dogs and they do not require much exercise at all they are major lounge lizards.

MissRiss 11 years ago

I'm not denying that big dogs can cause a lot more damage a lot faster, but there's no reasoning behind saying all big dogs should be muzzled (presumably because the OP thinks they are more likely to attack without provocation).

As far as I am aware, most states in Australia have their own version of a "muzzle off" course for greyhounds, which is great because they're beautiful, unique dogs and make great pets.