
Lorna Jane's Instagram is looking a little different, and fans are loving it.

Many of us have become accustomed to seeing a certain kind of fitness posts in our Instagram feeds.

You know the type we mean: one where the subject is a toned, very thin, and conventionally attractive woman.

Of course, there are many women whose bodies do look this way, and there’s nothing wrong with that — but it’s certainly not the case for everyone.

Fitness bloggers and influencers aren’t the only ones who typically share imagery like this; follow the social media accounts of almost any activewear brand and you’ll see the same narrow selection of bodies reflected back at you.

However, if you take a closer look at the recent Instagram posts from Australian brand Lorna Jane Active, you will notice the company is ever so slowly moving outside that tiny (and we mean it literally) box.

Women with different body shapes and sizes are starting to regularly feature in their photos.

The best part? Lorna Jane isn’t even adding hashtags like, #curvy or #bigisbeautiful to the images to “explain” them.

They are just women. There. Looking fit and happy and radiant.

Followers have caught onto the recent change and adore the refreshing perspective it has put on a healthy, active lifestyle: that there’s one “one way” for an active woman to look.

“Thank you @lornajaneactive for models that’s I can identify with!” one user wrote.

“Thank you for starting to post more photos of women of all shapes and sizes,” another chimed in.

“I’m so pleased to see this… thank you for recognising that [Lorna Jane’s] #movenourishbelieve philosophy doesn’t subscribe to a dress size,” one posted.

Responding to one follower’s comment, the company echoed its new approach, writing, “Active Living looks different on every body xx LJ”

Lorna Jane’s recent push to diversify its sizes in-store was inspired in part by body image warrior, Taryn Brumfitt, who recently met with the company’s founder Lorna Jane Clarkson.

Listen to Robin Bailey discuss her thigh-gap manifesto. (Post continues after audio.)

“In light of recent events we have decided that we’d like to address the discussion of expanding our size range and measure the demand – because if enough ladies want it, then maybe we can make it happen,” Clarkson said at the time.

“We want to be inclusive and not exclusive and want everyone to be inspired towards Active Living.”


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