real life



2013 brings you nothing short of a total rebirth, Libra. You can finally bid farewell to the heavy and austere presence of Saturn in your stars since late 2009. You have had enough lessons in love and commitment to last you a lifetime. Now you're ready to put those lessons to the test by pursuing your true calling and passion. No longer will you be satisfied with simply scratching the surface of life.

You're prepared to go as deep as necessary to create something of lasting value. You want nothing less than the truth, and nothing short of profound meaning.

You'll be putting more attention and importance on finances than you have in a long time now that Saturn has moved on to your money zone. This is the year to finally work on a budget and devise sound economic strategies for increasing your income without working yourself to the bone. This is an excellent time to get out of debt as much as you possibly can so that you can save your pennies for the whirlwind of change on deck in 2013. The eclipses will rock your money sectors, so be prepared for sweeping gains and losses, and plan accordingly.

You'll continue to break out of any codependent relationship ruts with the ongoing influence of Pluto and Uranus sparring in the cosmos. You've certainly learned how important it is to value your authenticity and independence in all of your dealings with others. No longer will you fall prey to being too nice. You see how crucial it is to set your limits, draw your lines in the sand and commit without wavering. Saturn taught you to get off the fence and take a firm stand. This is how you gain respect. Your diplomacy and charm will always serve you well, but you realize now that they must be backed by the iron fist in the velvet glove.


Your love life is finally getting a much-needed rebirth after enduring the heavy hand of Saturn since late 2009. The law of karma brought many painful lessons home, and you're ready for a return to love. If you experienced crazy amounts of insecurity over the past year, you can also bid that farewell. Enough of the tears and heartbreak from giving too much to people who could not return your sweetness and light. Now that you're clear about boundaries and refuse to lose yourself in codependent patterns, you can get on with establishing the kind of relationship that is healthy instead of detrimental to your health.

The eclipse points of 2013 are asking you to own your value as a partner. If anyone knows how to bring beauty, balance and unparalleled harmony into a union, it's you, Libra. You're finally realising how irreplaceable you are as a partner. Very few are as easygoing and lovely to be around. You take everything in stride and bring the peace back to any discord that arises in your relationship. How many have the patience and tolerance to do this? Know how precious this is in maintaining a strong partnership.

The ongoing influence of Uranus in your relationship zone is helping you break free of any clingy patterns in love. You have a tendency to be drawn to strong but selfish partners, and now it's time to own the selfish and assertive aspects of yourself so you can attract a different kind of relationship dynamic. In order to keep your scales balanced, you need a proper ratio of give and take. One-sided love affairs are no longer an option. You want a relationship with someone you can trust, and with whom you can build a solid and lasting foundation.

You were born under the sign of marriage and companionship for a reason – you're simply happier living life in tandem with another. If you're already hitched, you'll no longer tolerate being taken for granted on any scale. This is the year of renewal and realizing your value, and there is no better arena to put these lessons into practice than in love relationships.


Money and career are inextricably linked this year for you. Time is money, and you're not willing to give away this precious commodity without proper compensation. You're extremely driven by security and the desire to attain more financial stability for the long-term. With Saturn's backing in your money sector until 2015, you'll realise the value of saving and living within your means. Debt is no longer appealing, and you'll no longer resort to it unless absolutely necessary.

The eclipse points are also impacting your money zones this year, which will help tap you into your resourcefulness. Even if you never thought you had a head for business, get ready to learn the ins and outs of making money. You'll be eager to learn now that Saturn is applying pressure, along with the nodes of the Moon. This means you have the most room for growth and change in your financial arena than anywhere else during 2013. Use it or lose it.

Other career support and benefit comes during the second half of the year when lucky Jupiter moves into your career zone. This is an awesome time for expansion and taking a great leap of faith to push your career potential up a notch or two. Of course, this will put your scales out of balance – but for a very good cause. Risk-taking and breaking out of familiar territory are the prerequisites for greater success and a higher income. Plus, you have to shake things up sometimes in order to keep the creativity flowing and working in your favour.


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