
Lessons from the world's youngest female billionaire (video)


We found this video of Spanx creator Sara Blakely recently and were pretty impressed. 41-year-old Blakely is now the youngest self-made billionaire in the world. She used $5000 to start the company and it now makes just under $250 million in annual revenue. She owns 100% of the company and has never advertised.

Have  a look.


At the Grammys this year, soul singer Adele walked away with four awards and a place on everyone’s “best dressed” list of the night.

On that same night, she was wearing “three or four” pairs of Spanx.

She admitted that little piece of information in a recent interview with NBC’s Matt Lauer.

And when Lauer asked whether she liked the way she looked, she replied: “I loved it! No, I loved it. I actually had another dress made for the Grammys and I ended up passed out in it — I had a corset on so I was like, ‘I can’t wear that.’ So I ended up wearing it on short notice.”

But she did remove two pairs of the Spanx before she sang so she could, you know, breath.

So Spanx. Otherwise known as control underwear or the undies that end just below your boobs.

It’s not just Adele that’s wearing them. There’s Bridesmaids star Melissa McCartney (who told a hilarious story of Spanx on this episode of Ellen), our very own Mamamia publisher Mia Freedman, and lots  and lots of Mamamia readers.

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Top Comments

Anon 12 years ago

I wore a pair of Nancy Ganz (assuming very similar to Spanx) to a dinner the other night. I had a stomach ache by the end of the night because they were so restrictive. Also it's sooooo hard to go to the toilet, having to peel them off and pull them back on.

I didn't go for my normal size but one larger so I can only imagine how it would have been worse if I wore a medium.

I can't believe Adele (and others) would wear 2, 3 or 4 pairs at once?!? How do they move?

Anonymous 12 years ago

Lawd, so much criticism, sanctimony and bitterness. How is spanx any different than companies that sell make-up, hair product, jeans with a more flattering cut, stockings, fake tan, waxing, or bras and underwaer for that matter? Good on her for having an idea, being brave enough and savvy enough to build a company around it and double good on her for not being embarassed about its success. We should encourage people (men, women,whomever) to build and create something from nothing, its a whole lot better than the extreme alternative at the other end, entitlement, laziness and limited contribution to society.