
FLUFF: Lara Bingle accidentally posts a really naughty photo.





Oh, Lara.

Dear, sweet, silly Lara Bingle.

The professionally beautiful bikini designer has just posted a photo of her glorious face on Instagram. It’s covered in sunscreen and it comes with the caption “Slip, slop, slap”.

But, ah, look, um, hey, um, here’s the thing. Many astute commenters have pointed out that the white substance on her face doesn’t necessarily look like sunscreen.

Here. Use this “sunscreen” selfie as a test for your filthy, filthy mind. When you look at this photo of Lara, do you think “Rub your sunscreen in, babe” or do you think… “Wow, that does NOT look sunscreen.”

Look, at least she didn’t put “Photo credit: Sam Worthington” on this one, like she often does when he takes the photo.

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Top Comments

anon 10 years ago

wow ... how much did he publicist pay you to write an article about nothing...

Darcydidit 10 years ago

Sure looks like that spray on sunscreen to me, her face may have been wet (leave it alone Cold November) and the lotion has stuck to the moisture. I chase my 16 year old son around the pool when he's wet spraying his back and it looks like this stuff on Lara's face. I knew from the moment I starting reading this that the innuendo was that Lara had been having a good time and I do have one wild imagination but I'm buggered how anyone could think this was a "really naughty photo".

Cold November 10 years ago

:) Consider it left. I got nothing. That mods would let through...
I agree, someone's had a sheltered life if that resembled naughty in any way. But hey, naughty's where you find it isn't it?!