
The latest kid's craze that you can make yourself.

Stop wasting your money.

If you’re a parent then by now you’ve probably heard of kinetic sand. Also known as ‘moon sand’ or ‘sticky sand’. If not, treasure the next few moments until your kid starts screaming for it.

It is, without doubt, the biggest craze right now (bigger than loom bands).

It’s labelled as ‘magic’ sand that it’s mess-free. But when they say ‘magic’ they simply mean ‘it has a moulding agent that makes it less annoying than regular sand’.

And I’m still not convinced on the mess-free factor, but it is still really cool.

Basically, it’s sand that sticks to itself and not you, or your kids, or you lounge. You can mould it, shape it and it never dries out.

I’d describe it as a mix between play dough and sand. I’m unsure yet if it is the best or worst thing ever invented but I do know my kids love it.

It is a fantastic sensory tool and, to be honest, a whole lot of fun, even for the adults.

The stuff you buy in the shops is patent protected but Teresa Mogil, a handy Mum in the US, who runs the Living Ithaca blog has given us the recipe to make a sand that is, as far as our kids know, similar (and way cheaper) than the real thing.

1kg of kinetic sand retails between $20-$25 in shops here. This recipe makes 20kg for the same price.

Her recipe is in imperial measurements. We've had to change it over to the metric system so you may need a little more or a little less of each item.

Kinetic sand ingredients

20kg bag of sand - You can get this from your local hardware store for roughly $7. Or if you live on the coast (check you aren't breaking any laws), clean beach sand is an even cheaper alternative.

6 cups of cornstarch (also known as corn flour) - available from any supermarket or health food store.

Dish washing liquid - A few tablespoons as required.


Container to hold sand - large tubs are about $8 from cheap stores. Preferably shallow as it's easier for play time.


Pour sand into tub.

Mix in corn flour, ensure it's thoroughly mixed with no patches of white.

Add dish washing liquid and soap until desired consistency.

Let the kids go crazy.

Extra information

Just a few tips from a mother of kinetic sand-obsessed kids.

Kinetic sand is still messy. Not AS messy as regular sand, and much easier to clean up, but it will still get on your floor.

To be honest, you probably won't need 20kg of sand. Downscale the recipe to suit.

Added shaping tools like cups to make mini sand castles. Plastic kids cutlery is also great to 'cut' and shape the sand.

You will get addicted. Trust me.

Are your kids addicted to kinetic sand? Will you be trying this recipe?

CLICK THROUGH to see some amazing sand creations from itskineticsand Instagram.

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10 crafts and games to pass on to your daughter.

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