
Kelly Clarkson is body shamed. Responds in the best way ever.

Image: Getty.

To say Kelly Clarkson is having a successful year is probably an understatement. The talented singer has recently had a baby, released a new album and has returned to the show that made her famous, American Idol, as a mentor.

Talk about kicking goals. But all we’re hearing about? Her weight. Again.

RELATED: Should Giuliana Rancic really have to apologise for her body?

Talking on his US radio show, host Michael Gallagher said, “Have you seen Kelly Clarkson?… Holy cow, did she blow up.”

His guest, Fox anchor Chris Wallace’s response? “She could stay off the deep dish pizza for a little while.” (Post continues after gallery.)

Kelly Clarkson on Instagram

After criticism from listeners and Wallace’s fellow Fox colleague Greta Van Susteren, both Wallace and Gallagher have released statements offering their apologies.

These comments come just weeks after Clarkson (very classily, mind you) addressed nasty tweets from controversial UK columnist Katie Hopkins accusing her “of eating all her backing singers” by saying, “It doesn’t bother me”.

“It’s a free world. Say what you will,” she told Heat Magazine. “I’ve just never cared what people think. It’s more if I’m happy and I’m confident and feeling good, that’s always been my thing. And more so now, since having a family – I don’t seek out any other acceptance.”

RELATED: Olivia Wilde is perfectly frank about her post-baby body

While the talented singer certainly has a great attitude in dealing with negative comments, it’s saddening to hear why she should even have to deal with commentary about her weight.

“I love how people think that’s new – like, ‘Welcome to the past 13 years,'” the 32 year-old told Ellen last week. “Yeah, I was the biggest girl on [Americon Idol], too. And I wasn’t big, but people would call me big because I was the biggest one on Idol and I’ve kind of always gotten that.”

And although Clarkson may have been forced to develop a thick skin over the years, that doesn’t mean she’s immune to the nasty comments.


"I think what hurts my feelings... is that I'll have a meet-and-greet after the show and a girl who's, like, bigger than me will be in the meet-and-greet and be like, 'Wow, if they think you're big, I must be so fat to them.'"

To that, Clarkson has some inspiring advice.

"It's like, you're just who you are. We are who we are. Whatever size, and it doesn't mean that we're gonna be that forever," she told Ellen.

RELATED: “How I learned to stop worrying and love my 185-pound body.”

"That's the thing. Sometimes we're more fit. Like especially me, I'm such a creative person that I yo-yo. So sometimes I'm more fit and I get into kickboxing hardcore. And then sometimes I don't, and I'm like... I'd rather have wine."

A woman after our own hearts then.

But why do we continue to focus on the weight of talented women, rather than, you know, their actual talent?

As was shown with Giuliana Rancic last week, shaming women for their weight is unacceptable and dangerous.


"Commenting on anybody's weight, whether it's because they are 'too skinny' or 'too fat' is very unhelpful," clinical psychologist Dr Olivia Patrick says.

"Other people's bodies are none of our business, and focusing and commenting on the appearance of other people will only keep us placing undue importance on our own weight," she says.

Related: How to cure your cold in 24 hours.

No woman should have to apologise for how they look. We're all different shapes and sizes and we're all dealing with different things. True beauty is being unapologetic for who you are, doing what you love and having a positive attitude and confidence in yourself - just like Clarkson.

Check out some of The Glow team's favourite body image quotes from celebs we love.

For free help and support for eating disorders, contact the Butterfly Foundation's National Support line and online service on 1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673) or at

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