
You haven't seen decadence until you've seen the bridal shower of Salim Mehajer's sister.

Anyone planning on organising a decadent bridal shower in the near future, take note. Sydney’s Khadijeh ‘Kat’ Mehajer – younger sister of Auburn deputy mayor and street shutter Salim Mehajer – is here to show you how to truly do it.

Celebrating her pending nuptials to fiance Ibrahim Sakalaki, Mehajer spent Sunday surrounded by a group of family and friends in what is surely one of the most over-the-top celebrations we’ve ever seen.

You can forget about dresses made from toilet paper followed by novelty stripper-grams, this infamous Sydney clan does it large and luxe.

Here’s a checklist of what you’ll need to recreate a similar event for yourself:

  • Start with one professional event planner. There’s just no way that your maid of honour and troupe of bridesmaids will be able to truly realise your dream and do it an Instagram worthy justice.
  • Push the idea of budgets aside. Budgets are for people who don’t have active imaginations.
  • Pick a theme and stick with it – “luxe and out of this world” is a good place to start. From there, add personalised details like photo montage screens to remind people of the couple whose love they are currently celebrating.

One bride, one concise colour theme. Source: Instagram.

  • On the topic of theme, nothing says eternal love like flowers. Love is blooming, love is delicate, love is wildly expensive and shaped like a floral chandelier. It is cascading from tabletops, it is fake grass applied to the walls of a rented space and it is intertwined with food.
  • When menu planning, think sweet. Cakes, cupcakes, cake pops, chocolate-coated fruit, panna cottas, mousses, cheese cake, tarts, meringues, eclairs, macaroons and cookies are a great place to start. Because just like desserts, marriage is sweet, tempting and sometimes leads to weight gain.

Love is sweet, desserts are sweet. Ergo, marriage is a dessert. Source: Instagram.

  • Over cater by a 3.2 times rule. For example, if 60 people are attending, cater for 200. Any leftovers can be thrown to the homeless from the sunroof of your brother's sports car as an act of charity.
  • As a bride-to-be, this is your day. Everyone in attendance is there because they love you, and as a woman, you love clothes. Therefore multiple outfit changes is a must. Too many says you're a show off and too few says you're under prepared. Four is a great number and all outfits should all ideally cost between $800 and $1200 each.

Many outfits is a modern day necessity. Source: Instagram.

  • Have your #glamsquad booked in months in advance. Professional hair and makeup are a non-negotiable, obviously.
  • If this is truly a party, have some fun! A reputable DJ can act as your personal jukebox and flirt with your girlfriends after one too many Cosmos. Dancers are also a great addition, but no strippers. They're tacky and smell like cheap baby oil.

Look elegant and delighted. BYO white piano. Source: Instagram

  • Forget the cardinal rule of this being a day for the ladies. Rules are boring and meant to be broken. Invite your special man down to the event and cosy up for some cute, candid shots. Just make sure you have your surprised and delighted face down pat before his arrival, because no one likes a contrived entry.

Remember Salim Mehajer's wedding to Aysha?

Lead image via Instagram

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Top Comments

squish 8 years ago

How did she have time to enjoy the party if she was changing dresses so often?

Lu 8 years ago

I know it's their family's money.....but I can't help but find this display as anything other than disgusting excess.


TwinMamaManly 8 years ago

More like its money from shady property development deals of shoddy buildings, approved by a corrupt and subsequently dismissed council the family committed election fraud to get voted onto.

What's that can't buy class?

chillax 8 years ago

And it is really odd especially when you consider where they live in Sydney is a pretty humble part of town. The locals must think its hilarious all of this bling and flamboyant displays of wealth being pushed down their throats in a neighbourhood where people are hard working families and many are struggling to feed their kids.

SighNoMore 8 years ago


Anon 8 years ago

A lot of the people in that area are Lebanese and most Lebanese people I've met are very flamboyant, so I would think they would think a massive display of wealth is a normal thing to do if you have money. I'm not saying they all approve of the mehajers, I have no idea what they think of them, but I think flaunting your money, if you have it, is considered the natural thing to do.