
Karl Stefanovic just saw Sylvia Jeffreys' engagement ring and he is horrified.

You know that moment when your friend shows your their brand new, sparkly engagement ring, and you just can’t resist making the lamest joke possible?

That’s exactly what Karl Stefanovic did when he saw his fellow Today Show host (and soon-to-be sister-in-law) Sylvia Jeffrey’s new sparkler – which she received two weeks ago from fellow Today staffer Peter Stefanovic.

After returning to the Today desk from his recent assignment in France, Karl wasted no time in “checking out” Sylvia’s engagement ring.

“I’d just like to see the ring for the first time, let me have a look,” began Karl, pulling out a pair of collapsible (!!) spectacles.

“You don’t really need your glasses, do you? It’s not that tiny!” laughs Sylvia.

“God, he’s cheap, isn’t he? I can’t even see that thing!” exclaims Karl, clearly joking because, THAT THING IS HUGE.

Let's all take a moment to think about how Sylvia is now stuck with Karl and his dad jokes for EVERY FAMILY OCCASION for the rest of her life.

Who needs Christmas crackers when you've got Karl?

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