
Private girls school's beautiful letter to parents about gay teachers.



An elite Sydney private school has pulled no punches in its response to complaints from two families about gay teachers at the school.

Kambala Anglican Girls’ school in Rose Bay has sent a letter to all parents at the school declaring it will not tolerate discrimination of any kind in its community.

According to the president of the school council, Sally Herman – a high profile businesswoman who penned the letter to the entire school community  –  the parents involved were concerned the school was not living up to its Christian values by hiring and retaining gay teachers.

“At the core of their displeasure is a concern that their daughters may be exposed to messages or values they do not agree with,” Ms Herman wrote on Wednesday.

Ms Herman went on to explain that all staff are selected on “merit, empathy and their commitment to supporting the Christian ethos of the school”.

“We are a school community whose composition reflects the diversity of the broader community that we serve. Families and girls from many faiths, ethnicities, sexual orientation, and political conviction and proudly call Kambala “my school”. We exist together as a community that wants to be defined more by how we care for each other than how we might discriminate.”

“At Kambala love isn’t an optional extra. We practice love even when it is hard to do.” 

Ms Herman’s firm response has been praised by many.

Lawyer Chris Murphy tweeted “Bravo! Australia’s best girls’ school teaches why. Anglican Kambala hits back after complaints re gay teachers.”

Well known Fairfax journalist Kate McClymont tweeted “Good on you, Sally Herman: Elite Anglican school Kambala hits back after complaints about gay teachers.”

The response from parents to the school has also been positive with many writing in support of the teachers at the school.

In another show of support, today is international Wear It Purple day – a day of awareness to show solidarity and support of LGBTIQ+ young people.

An overwhelming number of the girls in the senior school swapped their yellow hair ribbons (white ribbons for girls in year 12) for purple ribbons. Even the tuckshop helpers put purple ribbons in the hair.

In the end the whole school came together over the thing a few parents thought would divide it.

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