
Just a reminder: travelling with children is not a ‘holiday. It is ‘moving the children to a different location’.

Going away for school holidays? Keep your expectations low, people. Lowwwwww.

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Top Comments

Kimba 15 years ago

Family holidays can be "same shit, different location"!

Lu 15 years ago

Fly I agree with you. We recently went away with friends and stayed in the one holiday house. They always complain that their kids wake up too early (5am to be precise) each and every day. They arent toddlers any more and should have outgrown that crack of dawn waking stage by now. We have a rule in our house, if its before 6.30am you must stay in bed or at least stay quiet and dont wake anyone else.

After staying with them I now know why their kids wake up so bloody early. They get up with them and all have breakfast together. At 5am. Let the kids rule the house and then reward them for waking at an anti social hour ! It was hell and we couldnt wait to go home.