
Johnny Depp claims Amber Heard is using him to "extend her 15 minutes of fame".

Last year we watched the deterioration of the marriage between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. As the divorce played out, we also saw a disturbing pattern emerge — and it continues even now.

Photographs of Heard’s face, battered and bruised, are difficult to erase from memory. Photographs of her swollen eye socket, released as she filed a domestic violence restraining order against her husband in May, 2016, keep popping up behind our eyelids when we see Depp performing, or promoting the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

The video of Depp, taken by Heard, as he rants and smashes the doors of kitchen cupboards also stays with you. You can feel 30-year-old’s fear as she places the camera discreetly. You can hear the force in Depp’s voice as he yells at her: “You want to see crazy?”. You watch the screen shake and go black after he discovers the camera is rolling.

Heard was granted the restraining order on May 27. Two days later, a close friend of Depp's, Doug Stanhope, wrote a column for The Wrap accusing her of blackmail.

Heard retracted her request for spousal support in June, after she was labelled "financially motivated". She told the court her request was "being used against her to distract and divert the public away from the very serious real issue of domestic violence."

In August, the pair reached a divorce settlement and Heard pledged to donate $7 million to the American Civil Liberties Union, which works to stop violence against women, and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles.

Depp planned to pay the charities directly, instead of going through Heard, giving himself a hefty tax deduction.

Do you see the pattern? You will now.

Sarah Ferguson and Andrew, a former abuser, talk about Domestic Violence in Australia. Post continues below.

In December Heard filed a Request for Order, claiming Depp hadn't paid the first or second installments of the divorce settlement. She also denied his request for $100,000 in court sanctions.

Now, Depp's team of lawyers has released a statement claiming she's doing it all for attention.

"Her [Request for Order] is entirely unnecessary under the law and suggests a last-ditch effort to garner media attention and somehow further her public persona by virtue of proximity to Johnny Depp," the response from Depp's lawyers states.

"From the inception of this dissolution Amber has sought to build a case in the court of public opinion. Amber is now courting renewed media attention with this unnecessary Request for Order.

"Her application is not only a blatant attempt to extend her 15 minutes of fame but also a waste of the Court's limited time and resources."

Isn't it such a predictable cycle? Where emotional abuse is continued long after the signs of physical trauma disappear.

When claims of domestic abuse are met with claims of blackmail, the abuse is continued.

When a woman is told she is chasing money in making the decision to divorce her husband after suffering domestic violence — alleged, in this case — the abuse is continued.

When a woman is told she is doing it all for attention - that she somehow chose and planned and is benefiting from the bruises that spread across her cheek and the lip that was too-often split - the abuse is continued.

No, we do not know exactly what happened in the relationship between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. But the pattern is all too familiar. (Post continues after audio.)

The victim is shamed. Her morals are questioned and her motivations are scrutinised. The offender? He keeps fuelling the questions and feeding the scrutiny.

We might not know what happened between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, but what a horrible, terrible message this sends to women who are currently experiencing situations of domestic violence and/or abuse. Who have bruised cheeks and split lips and are trying to understand if leaving is even possible.

The statement from Depp's lawyers reaches far beyond the actor's relationship with Amber Heard.

It's a continuation of abuse that leaves all victims of domestic violence wondering if the abuse will ever, can ever, stop.

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Top Comments

tinkerbell 7 years ago

Looks like he's in it for the long haul. While he seems to have a strong case since she broke her agreement, he also broke the agreement by directly sending the promised charities the money instead of to her. I really hope the judge sees through her and reduces the settlement to a few hundred thousand; but It's not looking too good. We're here for you, Johnny, always.

puritypersimmon 7 years ago

LAPD directly contradict Heard's version of events concerning the alleged incident in May. They saw no signs of any injuries to her & no damage to the property. They were to testify for Depp had the hearing gone ahead. Five employees at the building where they lived were also to testify that they saw Heard in the days following the alleged incident, before she filed for the TRO, make-up free & with no visible injuries. The pics she sold to People & they put on their cover were never even submitted to court as evidence, thereby bypassing any forensic scrutiny. The video - which was illegally recorded & disseminated - did not show Depp being verbally or physically abusive.

In her original lawyers letter Heard states that she will not seek a TRO or speak publicly provided Depp agree to all her financial demands (which far exceeded what she would have been legally entitled to). There was no mention of him staying away from her either. This simply does not strike me as the behaviour of a victim who 'fears for her safety' as Heard publicly claimed when Depp refused to pay up. You also ignore the fact that he submitted extensive evidence with which to counter her allegations; that she avoided three court ordered depositions & failed to provide court ordered documents. She withdrew all her allegations 'with prejudice' - meaning they can not be re-filed - rather than taking her case to court & fighting to obtain a PRO. No one, including Depp, could have prevented her from proceeding had she so desired. She agreed to a settlement which she now wants to re-open & add money for legal fees, jewellery bills & stylists fees (all in court docs). She signed an NDA which she seems determined to keep attempting to skirt around. That is why Depp's lawyers have put further payments of the settlement money on hold until a judge rules on the issues. His lawyer also explicitly stated in her court docs that Heard's allegations were false - a point which Heard's lawyer completely failed to address in his response.

There are two sides to this story; something which you seem determined to ignore.

Rachel 7 years ago

Thank you! Exactly right. It's unbelievable that these stories keep popping up adamant that Heard is a victim of Depp with absolutely no proof or conviction. Ahhh but it gets you to read the story though doesn't it. Would never want to be subjected to the mamamia court of public opinion if I was a man, that's for sure!

Jane 7 years ago

Yes, domestic violence is an important issue, but when we don't get all the facts, it makes it hard to know what is going on. Thank you for sharing more facts.

Frynnsk 7 years ago

Well said