
The tweet that sums up everything that is wrong with America.



That’s the caption that former Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush used to accompany the bizarre image he posted on Twitter today.

Within minutes of him posting proof that he owns a large hand gun engraved with his own name, it had been retweeted thousands and thousands of time.

And it elicited an array of responses.

Some asked where his social media manager was. Was this Jeb Bush going rogue? Or was it a strategic play to gain some approval from the gun-loving republicans he is hoping to win over in the primaries?

Either this tweet says a lot about America’s love for guns. And it isn’t pretty.


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Top Comments

gest 8 years ago

Even Bernie Sanders is pro gun - by Australian standards way to the right of John Howard at least on this subject. If you think this will hurt Jeb Bush in any way you don't know American politics. In the rest of the world it would make him an unelectable loon, in American it says someone who will look after his own defence rather than rely on armed security to do it for him. This will play pretty well against the Donald who has a history of being pro choice and anti gun, New York views that will probably bite him as the primaries move south.

Brett 8 years ago

This weekend's primary will be the litmus test. Trump has openly blamed Bush for the 9/11 attacks, stating they happened under his Presidency (in a debate regarding national security with Jeb Bush). If this doesn't harm his campaign, then nothing will and the Republican candidacy is his to lose.

soft_starlight 8 years ago

Well that's going to help tourism, isn't it?