
Is it just me or is this photo really, reeeeally creepy?

Woody Allen is 72. Here he is at a basketball game last week with his daughter Bechet who is 9. Bechet’s mum is Woody ex-step-daughter, now wife, Soon Yi Previn. Woody and Soon Yi have adopted two daughters since getting together some years ago.
I just think the whole thing is wrong and creepy. Soon Yi was the adopted daughter of Woody’s longterm partner Mia Farrow. And then she and Woody hooked up and all hell broke loose. As you would expect. People are always saying what a genius film-maker Woody Allen is but I just can’t get past the step-daughter turned wife thing.

Top Comments

Edd Knowles 15 years ago

Woody Allen was NOT Soon-Yi's stepfather. Andre' Previn was Soon-Yi's stepfather. In fact Woody Allen was never married to and never lived with Mia Farrow. Farrow and Allen were romantically involved, but Woody did not play the role of "father" in Soon-Yi's life, and she was 22 when he became involved with her. One can understand Mia's outrage, but her campaign to portray Allen as a pedophile was unjust and untruthful. It's ironic to, since Mia married Frank Sinatra when she was 21 and Sinatra was 50...

Jesus 15 years ago

But my point is that homosexuals are consenting adults. They should be allowed to live as they please. Why should others dictate how others should live whether or not you find it distasteful? A child is obviously not in a position to make choices for themselves of this nature. They are powerless and cannot seperate their need for survival with their need to please (the same can be said for a lot of adults really, and they need help). As for Woody, it doesn't seem healthy too me what he's done either, though it is legal. And I don't really know the ins and outs of it. I would prefer to hope there is sanity there and love. And again, I'm not kidding about siblings. If thats what siblings choose to do thats up to them. The only reason I would say it should be illegal is if they are having retarded children as a result who become a burden to the state.