
These men are hilariously good at makeup

 Image via Instagram

Celebrity makeup transformations are dominating Instagram feeds right now – but the most impressive efforts aren’t coming from women. And they’re not coming from drag queens either.

Check out these hilarious yet awesome efforts from Instagram and Twitter:

The awkward moment when a guy contours better than you do


The photos, which can be found under the hashtag #makeuptransformation, usually take the form of a four-panel quadrant, depicting step-by-step the hair, makeup and costume techniques used to imitate a celebrity look. As you might have guessed, there’s a lot of contouring involved.

In the past few days dozens of men have jumped onto the hashtag, seemingly to poke fun at the women who started it. Which is all well and good until you realise that, um… many of these dudes actually have better brush skills than you do. Life is unfair, ladies, but at least you can laugh at Justin Bieber mug-shot impressions.

So yeah, we’re not sure whether to laugh at these guys or to urgently request a makeup tutorial from them.

The trend is becoming even more meta now, with women hitting back and making themselves up to look like famous men. This Thor transformation by Twitter user Leslion is particularly good:

We're curious to see where the movement goes next.

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Are there any great #makeuptransformations we've missed? Show us your favourite man-makeover! 

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