
iBlog Friday: Our weekly roundup of Aussie bloggers

At iVillage we’re passionate about supporting Australian bloggers. That’s why we’ve created iBlog Friday.

It’s a chance for bloggers to introduce their favourite post of the week to iVillage readers and for our community to read what Aussie writers are up to.

Here are the bloggers who have sent their submissions this week. Happy reading!

Louisa Simmonds of My Midlife Mayhem gives up on all the pressure in her post Can women really be bothered 'having it all'.

This week I am questioning the premise of ‘having it all.’

I’ve decided that it isn’t ‘all that’.

Because I can assure you, that the Perfect Mother medal in my cupboard and the ‘thank you’ email from that bitch of a client, hasn’t brought me the fulfillment I thought it would.

Read the rest of Louisa's post here.

Joanna Lamb of Joanna Writes Here shares her feelings about her 'dog child' in her post My fur baby.

I recently read an article that said that when someone is of appropriate child-bearing age and doesn’t have children, it’s common for them to transfer their biological instincts onto their pets, treating them like the children that they subconsciously desire, yet lack.

I’m one of these people.

Read the rest of Joanna's post here.

Jacintha Webster of Time to get a veghead talks about how she copes when her body fails her in her post Touch My Yoga Fear.

Our body wants to be healthy and fit and happy, it shouldn’t be a distant goal but a constant sense of being.  Even if I feel sick, sneeze or vomit it’s a sign of my body readjusting itself.  It is working.  My chiropractor really understood to the roots of his practice.  He was inspired by Daniel David Palmer who created chiropractic care.

Read the rest of Jacintha's post here.

Keri Arkell of Awesomely Unprepared talks about tackling toddler hair in her post Hair, there and everywhere.

In the 23 months the Little Mister has been on this planet, I swear he’s had more hair appointments than my husband and I combined. See, we did this little genetic experiment. Turns out if you add the genes of two parents with hair that grows fast, you get a child whose hair grows RIDICULOUSLY fast. Everywhere we go, people are all, “Oh wow! Look at his full head of hair!” “Look at that hair!” “Must be time for a hair cut!” To which I’m constantly replying, “He’s just had one.”

Read the rest of Keri's post here.

Val Paul of Yibba Yabba Mama remembers her late mum and urges us all to give ours a hug in her post Go hug your mama.

And here I am, four years later. As I write this I cry real tears, tears that I am allowing to flow freely and it feels good to finally release my sadness. I know tomorrow will be a new day, I will still be sad. I won’t have anyone to ring up and have an honest chat about motherhood; how frustrating and exhausting it can be. No one else can ground me like my mother used to; to wake me up from my selfish thoughts but also praise me when I needed it most.

Read the rest of Val's post here.

Kellie Turtu of Mama Pyjama finds herself swept up in empathetic grief in her post Amplified Emotions.

Yesterday on my way to work I drove past a funeral procession.  I’m a generally empathetic person, but there was something different about this moment.  As a passed I felt the air change, the energy got thick and dark and I felt swept into a great wave of grief.  Moments before I was relishing the sunshine thinking how much better I felt with the change of weather, and then bang - out of nowhere I was engulfed by an overwhelming sense of loss and pain.  I burst into tears, I felt an enormous lump in my throat and I all-but had to pull over.  It wasn’t my pain, it wasn’t my experience, it wasn’t my loss…but I felt it as real and as raw as if it were my own.

Read the rest of Kellie's post here.

Susan Taylor of One Woman Circus talks about her secret weapon when it comes to parenting in her post The Secret Weapon Every Woman Should Remember.

Being a parent is bloody hard - no major revelation there. I've written about it quite a few times, anyone with kids themselves knows it, and even those who have only witnessed the crazed zombie look in parents' eyes in supermarkets also have a pretty good idea. Advice for struggling parents is everywhere you look - some of it great and some pretty average. But there's one very simple survival tool which doesn't get talked about that often, yet it's something I pull out multiple times a day. And that's music.

Read the rest of Susan's post here.

Melanie Dimmitt of Mel-o-Drama takes us through the insanity of a group of girls trying to figure out if one of them is about to become engaged in her post The Bling Ring.

She is in a wonderful relationship. She has been in this relationship for a number of years, which apparently allows everyone within close range to inquire as to when they are getting married. Last Sunday was her birthday and her man had thoughtfully planned a whole weekend of surprises. 'Was he hiding a special birthday surprise...?' a work friend had asked her during the week. I was no better (and even less discrete). 'Did you think he was going to ask?!'

Read the rest of Melanie's post here.

This week’s winner will be published on Monday and will receive a Cetaphil Pack.

To enter our weekly iBlog Friday competition, send your entry through to by midday on Thursday.


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