
Ian Thorpe asked: "You've always said you're not gay. Is that true?"

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Sunday night, 6:30pm. Channel 10.

That’s when the “Thorpe Tells All” interview, in which champion swimmer Ian Thorpe sits down with legendary journalist Sir Michael Parkinson, will air on Australian television.

According to the promo, “no question will be off limits” and that includes that pesky one about sexuality that seems to follow Ian “Thorpedo” Thorpe wherever he goes.

Check out the promo below:

As for why Parkinson chose to interview the 31-year-old former world champ:

“Ian Thorpe has always been near the top of my list to interview,” Parkinson said. “The reasons are obvious. Not many athletes can claim to be the best of all time. Ian can.

“The story of a boy who was a teenage World Champion, conquered the world and then seemed to give it all away is a fascinating and intriguing one.

“His fight against depression offers a unique insight into the darker side of celebrity and success. What fascinates me most about Ian is that apart from the very beginning of his career, he never seemed to enjoy and celebrate his success. It will be interesting to find out the reasons why.”

Ian Thorpe has won five Olympic gold medals, three silvers and one bronze. He won his last medal at the 2004 games in Athens. In 2012, he attempted to make a comeback but failed to qualify for the London Olympic team.

Ian Thorpe admitted he has suffered crippling depression for much of his life. Earlier this year, it was announced that Thorpe would never swim again after he picked up the infection after having a shoulder operation in Switzerland.


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Top Comments

Speak Up Against 10 years ago

We need public figures like Ian Thorpe and the fact that he has 'come out' and is not showing who he truly is, is such a great thing! @SpeakUAgainst

Ash 10 years ago

It's definitely really sad to think this has what the world has come to. While front page of the Herald shows a massive spread of his face, there is absolute chaos in Gaza. Who cares about his sexuality? That's his business. Such a shame he has suffered depression and it's this kind of media that makes it an issue. Educate me about the world, not about our champion's personal life.