real life

Half the people in your life will identify with this post. The other half can learn something from it.


Everybody knows one. Maybe you are one.

And if you are, maybe you’re sick of being told that you don’t like ‘people’.

Yes, you scream (inwardly) I like ‘people’. I just find them f-ing exhausting.

If you don’t or can’t relate to introverts, or are sick of the noisy extroverts thinking you have no opinions, worry no more. Artist Roman Jones has created this beautiful illustration, visually explaining everything the world doesn’t understand about introverts.

See more of Roman Jones’ work here.

Are you an introvert, or do you know one?

Top Comments

Tess 10 years ago

Extroverts are like solar panels, they recharge their batteries throughout the day with energy from others.
Introverts are like batteries, they wake each morning with a certain amount of energy which depletes throughout the day.

Anon 10 years ago

Description of Intovert: don't wish to have anything to do with other humans as they are exhausting, want to live in cave alone.

Description of extrovert: can't be alone ever, even when going to the toilet needs someone to cheer them on.

Seriously this stuff is ridiculous, surely most people at times want company, and at other times need to be alone, with some people needing more company / or time alone then others.
I doubt too many people fall in these extreme categories of Extrovert or Introvert.

somewhere in the middle 10 years ago

Your right, the definitions are to extreme. Most people fall somewhere along the scale. I am definitely towards the introvert end, I have my few close relationships with people who don't exhaust me. But mass social events are hard work, that being said, I do go and I do try.