
How to take the perfect selfie (in five easy steps).

If you’ve ever tried to take the perfect selfie, you’ll know the struggle is real.

Surely it’s not just me who struggles to take one without ending up with a double chin, squinty eyes and with half my head out of the frame?

But now, a computer science graduate has found a formula to ensure the perfect selfie, every time.

Andrej Karpathy, from Stanford University, analysed countless selfies and took into account the number of likes per followers.

He discovered that good selfies came down to five steps.

1. Be a woman.

The mere fact of being female will earn you more likes. According to Karpathy, not a single male ranked in the top 100 selfies in his research.

For more tips, check out this tutorial. Post continues after video.

2. Follow the rule of thirds.

Karpathy said "Notice that the position and pose of the face is quite consistent among the top images. The face always occupies about 1/3 of the image, is slightly tilted, and is positioned in the center and at the top."

3. Have long hair.

Long hair is selfie gold, especially when it hangs down your shoulders.

4. Use filters.

It doesn't really matter which one you use - just use one.

5. Add a border.

The same goes for borders - selfies with borders were far more likely to earn a double tap.

There we have it, people - the secret to selfie success.

Use your new powers wisely.


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