
The email all parents dread seeing in their inbox.




Let’s face it, the one subject line all parents dread seeing in their inbox these days is this one – ‘HEAD LICE’.

Nits. Head lice. Louse. Crawling bloodsucking mites. Call them what you will but I can guarantee, if your children attend childcare or primary school, you will be familiar with them.

We’ve all taken that note out of the schoolbag, the one that says, “Please check your children’s hair, there has been an outbreak of head lice, so kindly sign and return the attached form to say that you have checked and treated your child overnight.” So sure enough, you take a look and yep, right there, doing their crawl of shame are some very well-established head lice, making themselves at home on your child’s head.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Euky Bear Blitz Nitz. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

Contrary to popular parental belief, nits thrive and seemingly love any kind of scalp, dirty or clean, which not only makes them one of the most easy going of the parasite world, it also means that no child is immune. When these creatures are feasting, they make that area incredibly itchy, hence, a classroom full of head scratching children strikes fear into even the most hardened of teachers. This is probably because lice feed and stay alive by SUCKING BLOOD FROM YOUR SCALP. Did I mention their sole purpose in life is to suck blood from your SKULL?

The thing about head lice is that as parents, we want to find a solution that not only works but is also safe, affordable and above all, eradicates them at lightning speed.

Over the years, I have tried every single kind of treatment I could get my hands on. I was especially desperate on the days when I found an infestation 45 minutes before we were meant to walk out the door towards school and work commitments.

Out of pure desperation, I’ll admit that I have tried the lethal chemical method that basically nukes the suckers but unfortunately, also causes children to declare that their ‘eyes are on fire’.

I’ve gone down the traditional and cheap conditioner-and-comb road and at first it appeared to work but only a week later I realised that this was only a stopgap and not effective in the long run.

I was advised to douse my daughter’s hair in vegetable oil although I did decline to use this method. Sure, it may well work, but for a child being a walking grease ball is about as preferable as walking around as a live nit hatchery.

When things got grim, I went out and bought an electronic Nit comb. I decided something that is $70 MUST work, right? Wrong. All it did was give them mild electric shocks and leave me with yet another electrical device to find space to waste away in.

I swear, at one point I could count the empty sacks at the base of my daughter’s skull in the hundreds. Empty, meaning that the rampant little creeps had at some stage walked her head and sucked her young blood. Twilight has nothing on my kid.

After finding only a few empty sacks on my son’s head, I can only conclude, he’s a breeder. He simply incubates, hatches and then passes the special gifts onto his classmates. He’s such a giver.

The good news is that there is a one product that is safe, reasonably priced, effective and kills the lice incredibly fast. Euky Bear Blitz Nitz can have your kids’ head lice under control in a flash and it’s made from all natural ingredients. It’s the fastest product on the market.

Here’s some parting advice – often if you find the nursery is in one child’s hair, the nightclub is in the others.


Have your kids had lice before? Ever received the dreaded email?


Euky Bear Blitz Nitz is a complete head lice control program based on natural ingredients, which breaks the life cycle of head lice in just 3 simple applications. Blitz Nitz Solution is clinically proven to kill lice and eggs in just 5 minutes – the fastest product on the market.  The range also includes Blitz Nitz Detective, a nourishing formula with natural essential oils to aid detection and removal of lice, and Blitz Nitz Shampoo, an everyday shampoo which also kills lice and eggs. In a great value bumper pack so you get more for less, the range is proudly 100 per cent Australian made & owned. Available at pharmacies, RRP $14.95- $18.95 (Includes a re-usable comb or shower cap).

Top Comments

Amanda @ 10 years ago

My mother shaved my head when I got lice for the one and only time in my life. It was very traumatic for a six year old. (To be fair, it wasn't like a number 1 shave, more like a number 10!)

lisa 10 years ago

Oh, this gives me horrible flashbacks to my childhood. My mother was an avid 'head-checker', I couldn't brush my teeth in peace, she was always hovering and checking my hair. I can't tell you the number of lice treatments I had to endure. Fast forward to when my younger sister (11 years younger) started at school and came home with nits. My mother announces, on actually seeing a louse, that I have obviously never had nits, because nothing in my hair ever looked liked THAT!!! Seems I just had dry scalp, and mother dearest thought they were eggs!!!