
Would you want this really ridiculously good looking man as your gynecologist?


Going to the gynecologist is never a task any women looks forward to. Until this guy.

Well, actually, he’s not a doctor yet. Nevertheless we are excited – or at least, the ladies of Chile are.

Manuel Rico – a former model who won Beauty King of Spain 2010 – has made the move from sexy-human-according-to-most-people to almost-gynecologist.

Who wouldn’t want the country’s hottest man (from 2010) looking into their nether regions? Well, not me. Give me a nanna in a cardigan for my pap smear please.

The whole process is awkward enough without adding to the mix how outrageously self-conscious having such a good-looking doctor would make you. I imagine it would turn from necessary task where you feel comfortable to ask your Nanna look-alike doctor, “Am I normal?”; to something resembling a speed date where you’ve exposed too much. Way too much, way too soon.

Would you want this man as your gynecologist?

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Top Comments

Hanon 10 years ago

I get it all the time. I'm a ridiculously good looking engineer. I'm always getting women asking if I can give advice on their structures.

It's tough sometimes, and quite obvious that they really don't have issues with the structure of their house, but they giggle when I start explaining member stiffness and erection of new members. I've never quite worked that out. They particularly giggle when I draw little diagrams to explain why stiffness is such an important ant concept for their long term well being.

But what the hell? I get paid to show them these things, so I shouldn't complain too much.

Best wishes to all of you for the new year,


Vickie 10 years ago

Nooooo it's not great to have a hot gyno!
I went to my usual place for my pap smear a few years ago, and was told Dr. Jane XXX would be with me shortly.
Well........... next thing I was asked if I was okay with another doctor seeing me today as Dr. Jane has had to leave unexpectedly.
Sure no problem I replied.
I was then introduced to a super hot young doctor, who said smiling "I will be your doctor today!" EEeeeek!
So while we made small chat, I stripped off and he did his thing!
Omg....... I nearly died of embarrassment.
I did feel like asking him if he was single....... as we were now very well acquainted, however thought better of the idea by the time I was dressed !