
This man is sleeping with a different woman every night. Because he has to.



This is Joe. He’s got an attractive haircut. A fashionable amount of stubble. His clothes are clean and stylish.

He’s everything you’d expect from a 26-year-old guy that you might meet at a bar in New York — except one thing.

Joe is homeless and if he’s chatting you up, it’s probably because he needs somewhere to sleep tonight. In an eye-opening Elite Daily documentary that followed Joe around for week, Joe says that finding one-night stands is his only chance at sleeping with a roof over his head — a tactic, he says, that provides shelter about three to four nights out of every week.

And if you’re thinking he doesn’t look homeless, well that’s because he’s good at what he does.

“My responsibility is not to look homeless,” he tells Elite Daily.

“I go to [US grocery chain] CVS and I take their hair gel; you know they have mirrors near the makeup section? I fix my hair, I grab a Red Bull and I walk out.”

Joe, who was kicked out by his mother when she found his stash of drugs, says he also makes roughly $150 dollars a day from begging.

“This abstract lifestyle is not for everybody,” he says. “And I’m pretty sure that if you look around you … at the homeless people in New York City, I’m the only one that can pull this sh*t off.”

But when asked what he would tell the youth of America, he responds: “Never become like me. Ever.”

Do you find this story disturbing or inspiring? 

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Top Comments

Pat Riarchy 10 years ago

Thank the gods that he is not chatting up females because they are hot. That sort of sexual objectification is disgusting

disqus_mLm4MA7EQ5 10 years ago

Addiction is an illness, there are a lot more biopsychosocial circumstances than what can be shown in an online clip, and some of you are just gross.