
Has Time magazine just put horns on the head of Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton is on the cover of the March issue of Time magazine, with an extraordinary new addition.

The former US Secretary of State, and potential Presidential candidate, is featured in silhouette against a blue background positioned under the iconic Time masthead. It is this positioning that is the subject of controversy.


The ‘M’ of the masthead is over Clinton’s head in a way that, well, gives her devil horns. Or cat ears. Or bat ears. You can decide which.

Now coincidence or not, the jab is certainly timely (if you excuse the pun). Clinton has recently come under fire for using a private email system during her period as Secretary of State.

The article itself is called The Clinton Way and examines the notion that both Bill and Hillary Clinton have bent and broken rules in order to advance their political careers.

READ MORE: Hillary Clinton shares a kick-arse, pro-vaccination tweet.

In order to hose down the controversy, Time magazine has pulled out a list of the other public figures that they have made to look like Satan over the years. Other recipients include Barrack Obama, Margaret Thatcher and Pope Francis. Even Jesus was adorned with the horns in 2004.


Despite the fact that some of their employees were busted bantering about the horns on Twitter, Time magazine issued a response stating, “Any resemblance to cats, bats or devil horns is entirely coincidental.”

Is anyone else hoping that Batman gets his own Time cover some time soon?

Top Comments

maggie 9 years ago

Wow..............people making something out of nothing I think?

Lucy Baker 9 years ago

There's a more important question around Hillary than whether Time Magazine accidentally gave her horns. Why did Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State use her personal email for work correspondence and then fail to hand over 10,000 of the emails for archiving, without inspection by any independent party? Those emails could contain anything - donations, evidence re the death of an Ambassador in Libya. She shouldn't be President with that record of maladministration.