
Open Post: What's been happening in your world?




Welcome to Open Post.

For the new readers, let me explain how this works. Remember show and tell when you were a kid? You got to stand up in front of the class and deliver your ‘news’ and everyone had to be nice, kind and supportive. This is the grown up version.

We want to know what’s been happening in your world. What’s on your mind. What’s got you thinking. What’s got you talking.

I’ll kick off.

Last weekend my girlfriends from high school all came to visit me in Melbourne and we celebrated my mate Bella’s Hen’s. Generally Hen’s nights aren’t my thing. I find the tradition a little ridiculous and most of the activities that are supposed to be ‘fun’ about hens nights actually aren’t. Hen’s nights have a lot in common with new year’s eve in that regard.

But this weekend was different. We had a fabulous time. Basically because we didn’t go with all the traditions, we just picked and chose the ones we wanted. We did the delicious drinks, endless giggling and an absurdly yummy dinner out but we skipped the embarrassing dares, falling over in the street from drunken-ness and fireman-stripper-in-the-hotel room bit.

We stayed at The Blackman in St Kilda, which is one of the art series hotels. The team there looked after us really well, most particularly our hen who got spoiled with chocolates and champagne.

If you haven’t stayed in one of the art series hotels yourself then get on that fast, friends. They’re beautiful, comfortable and FUN.

They instruct you to jump on the bed. INSTRUCT you. What could be more fun, hey?

Over to you. What’s been happening in your world? What’s on your mind this week?

Top Comments

Kate 10 years ago

I haven't stayed at The Blackman...but I'm counting the days until I can get myself back to The Olsen. Everything the Blackman has, and an incredible pool.
Other advantage to staying there in January was meeting interesting people like Serena Williams. My daughter was thrilled with the chat, photo and autograph she had. The whole hotel was pretty much tennis central while we were there.

Imagine38 10 years ago

what happened to ,my comment?