
'Retrospectively, I should have sent her home a couple of weeks earlier.'

Most of us are still in shock over her exit from the mansion. But The Bachelor’s Sam Wood has just admitted that he should’ve sent last week’s departing bachelorette, Heather Maltman, home earlier.

Bombs have been dropped.

Speaking to AAP, the 34-year-old said, “Retrospectively, I should have done it (sent her home) a couple of weeks earlier but you are also thinking I have to go on date after date with these girls.”

So why did Wood keep her around for so long? He admitted that he kept Maltman on the show because he just really enjoyed her company.

"I loved Heather's company but knowing she was never going to be someone I could ever fall in love with, I knew it would only be harder if she was down to the final two or three," he said.

Wood knew it wouldn't be fair to keep a woman until the end if he already knew she wasn't going to be 'the one', so he let her go at number four - so sweet.

"Heather was the one I could see was more into me than any of the other girls I had said goodbye to, and that was a wake-up call," he said.

After everyone overcame the shock from Heather's departure, new speculation began about who the audience thought would win. At the moment all bets are landing on - the intruder - Lana.

But I personally believe maybe that's too obvious. Are we going to get shocked once again? Will Wood send home the new brunette favourite?

The three women left clawing their way to Sam Wood's heart are Sarah Mackay, Lana Jeavon-Fellow and Snezana Markoski. One will be gone by the end of tonight's episode.

While Wood hasn't given away any hints about who the winner is, he says he is still very much in love. "We are going brilliantly. I'm just rapt...This girl is not only just a great friend she is someone I feel totally in love with," he said.

We're excited for tomorrow night so we'll finally know who the lucky lady is.

Who do you think will win The Bachelor?

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