real life

GUEST POST: ‘Suicide doesn’t just end the life of its victim’

Sarah Pietrzak writes…..

“Alexander McQueen killed himself yesterday, and in the act of destroyed any hope of a brilliant legacy. For the next few days writers and editors will frantically devote themselves to dredging up memories of his “fashion moments.” Pictures and show-reel will be devoted to his moments of triumph, but ultimately his legacy will be, “Alexander McQueen, that designer who killed himself.”

Suicide doesn’t just end the life of its victim, it does a pretty good job of shattering the lives of those who knew and loved them as well. Even now, I look towards planning my six-year-old son’s upcoming birthday, and all I can think is how his day of celebration is inextricably entwined with the suicide of my beloved aunt and godmother, just two weeks before his birth.

My aunt, probably much like McQueen, was charismatic, gifted and wickedly funny. She was also the mother of two small children at the time she killed herself.  I was forty weeks pregnant at the time and spent the first few month of my son’s life plunged into mourning and self recrimination, asking myself what could I have done to prevent her from killing herself in the exact same way McQueen did. Even now I don’t really remember any of the wonderful times we had together because all I remember is that she killed herself. Suicide taints everything, even our memories.

Why did two people, so very different, but seemingly so loved and talented choose to end their lives in such a violent manner? Why did none of us see the sign and be able to prevent it? Or perhaps, the signs were there and we simply didn’t see them. At least, not properly.

In Australia, 2,000 Australians die by suicide every year[1] and the emotional fallout from their deaths is universally devastating. So often when I recount the tale of the suicide of my beloved aunt and godmother, just as my baby was due, the listener will pause before saying something along the lines of: “Well I do think suicide is the ultimate selfish act.” It usually takes enormous self-control not to shriek loudly that whilst I concur with his or her statement, it helps precisely nobody.

I suspect for those who commit suicide or are suicidal they go beyond any point of rational reason. I don’t know. I can thankfully say I have never felt like that. I do feel enormous compassion for those who do feel like that. For there to be such an enormous pain or void in their lives that suicide is the only solution. And almost seven years on little seems to have changed.”

If you or someone you know needs help, please contact SANE Australia or Beyond Blue…. or call Lifeline on 131114


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Top Comments

Kris2040 14 years ago

I actually wrote about the perfection/but I am strong thing in my letter to the bloke. I had a psych ask me "Why aren't you allowed to worry about things and be upset by things?" Well, cos I'm the strong, tough one. I know better now.
I completely agree with the exercise thing, Mabol. I kept getting told to do that, and I am a sporty person. I have had lots of injuries and ongoing issues - mostly because I am hypermobile - too bendy! So Yoga is out for me. I can get into all the crazy positions, but don't have the strength to hold them. I love swimming - Masters Swimming was one of my favourite things. Must get back to that. I am getting back to netball (shh, don't tell Mum!) and actually had our rego last night - fabulous friends who were totally non-judgemental about what has been happening with the bloke (They are mutual closeish mates).
I got told though, that meditation just doesn't suit some people, ie me. There is active relaxing too - I find swimming a km or two just looking at the black line and resolving things in my head supremely relaxing. Also boxing or pump classes. Not everyone can (or is willing to) do the meditation thing. I hate it. I much prefer working up a big sweat and punching or lifting stuff!

Kris2040 14 years ago

Oh its got a whole lot worse. Just waiting for best and worsts tomorrow.