
MM Confessions: "The most disgusting thing I've ever eaten."

MM Confessions: "The most disgusting thing I've ever eaten."

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Frynnsk 7 years ago

When i was living in the southern US i tried a small piece of a mysterious meat my neighbor cooked. I was too embarrassed to ask what it was. Rattlesnake. Ok then. Next meal we had there i thought i was being smart by asking what the meat was as it had an unusual aroma to it. She didnt answer right away as she got distracted by her kids. But after i had take a few bites she replied : squirrel. Ya. Both animals were killed by her 12 year old son.

Rush 7 years ago

When we were kids my mum would feed us sweetbreads (most deceptive name ever - they are pancreas) and tell us they were chicken. I knew they were not chicken. It's been thirty years, I can still taste them.

ingoz 7 years ago

My mother used to feed me "butterballs" when I was about 4 or 5. These were literally balls of butter rolled in sugar. They were delicious. She'd go to jail for it now!

Daijobou 7 years ago

Oh my gosh!! I used to have this too, I totally forgot about these. Wow how things have changed, if someone gave their kids this now imagine the uproar!

GracefulGirl 7 years ago

Omg I make those for myself now!! Danish butter and raw sugar. Perfection!!