
Video of the day: Best comeback ever.

Newsweek magazine said Grand Rapids City was ‘dying’.

And, well, Grand Rapids didn’t really agree. So they made this video. Believe me, you will SMILE through every second of it. It’s an uplifting, inspiring comeback. And you’ll want to visit now.

Rather than sit back and wallow, the whole city came together to produce a world record breaking ‘LipDub’ video (that’s fancy for dubbed) involving 5000 residents and a whole host of set pieces, all filmed to music in one camera movement with no editing.

These 10 minutes will make your heart sing.

Tags: video

Top Comments

Tallulah 13 years ago

Oh man, I LOVE it when I can restore my faith in humanity again XD

Carla 13 years ago

This is brilliant. Makes me very happy to see people working together.