
These 10 moments from the Golden Globes will make your day

Because who has time for a three-hour awards show?

Last night’s Golden Globes were fun, quick, and silly (with some awkwardness peppered in there for good measure). In case you didn’t have three hours to sit in front of the TV, here are the 10 best moments from last night’s show.

1) Host Amy Poehler pretending to be “Randy,” Tina Fey’s son from a previous relationship, and asking if Idris Elba was his father:

2.) Tina and Amy's not-so-kid-friendly introduction of Leonardo DiCaprio:

3.) Speaking of Tina and Amy (notice a theme?), this George Clooney burn was top notch:

4.) Emma Thompson's entire presentation. High heels in one hand, martini in the other. Now THAT is how you present an award!

5.) Amy Poehler making out with Bono and also winning for Parks & Recreation:

6.) Julia Louis-Dreyfus sitting on the "movie" side of the venue and ignoring Tina, Amy and Reese Witherspoon all at once.

7.) Jennifer Lawrence being identified as 42-year-old mother of two Amy Poehler:

8.) When Jonah Hill kept things real:

9.) Granted it wasn't part of the actual show -- but this J.Law/T. Swift red carpet photobomb is one for the books:

10.) And in case you hadn't gathered already, just Tina and Amy in general. They were everything we hoped they'd be!

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