
This is how men respond when women make sexist remarks.


If you are a woman, it’s likely you’ve had a “show us yer tits, love” casually yelled at you out of a car window at some point in time.

But what would happen if women started yelling at men out of their car windows instead. Leah Green, a video producer from The Guardian, decided to find out and went undercover in London to create this video and see how unsuspecting men react to sexist situations often experienced by women.

The obscenities she yells out are direct quotes taken from The Everyday Sexism project.

And while we’re on the topic of everyday sexism, here’s a few other examples…

Were you expecting a different reaction from the men? And would you ever yell at someone on the street like this?

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Top Comments

G 10 years ago

I must live in an alternate universe...I'm young woman (fit and not unattractive) and I have never had any comments like that (drunk girls probably say more offensive things to me than drunk guys. I have also never felt disrespected by my male colleagues or co workers

Sharon Rosy Krym 10 years ago

It doesn't happen to every women, and sometimes it is so normal you don't even notice. But it has happened to me and a lot of females I know. I'm 24.

suze 10 years ago

Makes me uncomfortable when it happens to me (not so much now I have hit 40and am accompanied by kids) but it didnt make me feel any better to see it being perpetrated against unsuspecting men either.