
Business signs that really should have been double-checked.

It’s unknown whether the following business names were given birth to by a bunch of creative genius’, or were devised after one too many drinks with mates at the pub.

What we do know is, whether they be brilliant or a little unfortunate, they are all bloody hilarious.

The unfortunate


1. I wish they’d hurry up with my Fu King order


2. This guy really should have used a different font.


3. Proving that spaces are important.


4. Who knew there was an actual shop for this?


5. Yes, yes you are.


6. Yeah, no thanks, I'm not hungry.


7. All of your sexually transmitted diseases in one convenient place!


8. Although to be fair, this could fall into the ingenious category.


9. What do you get in exchange? If it's a puppy, you're on.


10. Well screw you too.

The ingenious


11. Shut down the internet. This is the best thing you will ever see.


12.  Harrison Ford would be proud.


13. My Nizzle


14. You just know he'll complete his mission.


15. SVU


16. This is everything.


17. Well this should make you feel better.



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