
FROCKWATCH: Glastonbury Music Festival


I’ve never been to a music festival. Because I don’t own gum boots and I don’t like crowds. Or mud.

But you have to admire the girls who work the mud -and gum boots – into their outfits.


Top Comments

JLo 16 years ago

Im with you Angela, music festivals are soooo much fun.
The weather conditions just add to the spectacle of it all. Where else can you acceptably slide in mud/wear bikinis when there is no sand to be seen/wear gum boots/bad beanies and TOTALLY fit in by doing so?
I do admit that now i am heading into the 'old' category (as judged by new up and coming festival goers) to attend, the tolerance i once had for blazing heat (gold coast big day outs), rain/mud (Woodford festival) and dust (Livid festivals) is enough to turn me off anyway. But I may come out of retirement if the right band makes an appearance.

Dataceptionist 16 years ago

It looks like a helmet. One of those streamlined ones that became popular with Vespas.