
Magnolia is five years old, and her hair styling skills are already better than ours.

It’s probably fair to say most five-year-olds don’t have hair ‘skills’ beyond hacking off poor ol’ Barbie’s locks with the kitchen scissors. And to be honest, that’s about as good as it ever gets for some of us.

But there are always exceptions, and in this case she goes by the name Magnolia.

Over the past few weeks, the Arizona five-year-old has been putting us all to shame with the jaw-dropping hair tutorials on her Instagram account ‘Confessions of a mini hair stylist’, which has a 5000-strong following.

It all began when her mother Jenny Strebe, a leading hair stylist herself, posted a video of Magnolia creating an elaborate, twisted updo on her Facebook and Instagram profiles.

“I had no idea my Magnolia, who is five, even liked hair. The other day while I was working on some new looks she grabbed my mannequin head and started to have fun,” Strebe wrote.

Now, the hair prodigy has shared four of her original creations, including the ‘Braided Bun Bun’:


The ‘Curl Swoop’:

And the ‘Triple Flower Bun Updo’:

We wonder what the going rate on a Curl Swoop is? (But seriously…)

Given her deft hand with a bobby pin, it’s unsurprising that Magnolia wants to be a hairdresser just like her mum when she grows up.

“She’s a confident little girl. She comes off like she knows exactly what she’s doing,” Strebe told Buzzfeed.

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Top Comments

JanieBabes 8 years ago

Christ, I have only four hairdo's (other than just leaving it out straight), and none of them look anywhere near as good as this...FML

Kahla Preston 8 years ago

I feel you. I can't even braid my own hair...

JanieBabes 8 years ago

I can't braid or plait other people hair, let alone my own. No wonder my nieces don't want Aunty Janie to do their hair lol

guest 8 years ago

This kid will have a start-up business offering a hair styling service for tween and teen girls in her neighboring suburbs from age 10 I reckon! Open her a savings account with decent interest! I;d also get her taught how to do waxing, because that'll always be in demand.