
Australia's most embarrassing answers to 'Family Feud' questions.


Lucky Grant Denyer is such a pro…

Australia’s most popular game show, Family Feud, has seen more than 275 families compete for the 20,000 prize pool in the past year. That’s a lot of chances to gain respect from your in-laws. It’s also a lot of chances to make very public, very embarrassing mistakes when you’re under a lot of pressure.

When you’re trying to think on your feet sometimes you say things that just don’t make sense. Unfortunately, when there is an audience hanging on your every word things can get embarrassing. It makes it even worse when they don’t realise what they’ve said… you know, until after THE DAMAGE IS DONE.

So much cringe. Check it out.

As the questions get easier, the answers only get more silly.

How about

Q: Name an animal you might see at an African watering hole.

A: Platypus.

Or even better. This:

Q: Something you might see at a golf club.

A: Goats.

Take a peek at the rest.

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