
After such a dramatic weight loss, there was something that Matt Diaz needed to share.

We’re used to seeing proud ‘After’ weight-loss images, but for Matt Diaz, who lost 122 kgs over six years, he’s never revealed what his “new” body actually looks like.

Now, in an effort to spread a message of body positivity, 22-year-old Matt Diaz decided to show over a million YouTube viewers the effects of losing 122 kilograms.

Weighing 225 kgs at his heaviest when just 16 years old, the Brooklyn-based man began to document his weight loss journey online, six years later he reveals the reality of such extreme weight loss.


Diaz said he wanted to spread a message of self-love after working hard for a body that he’s still struggling to love.

“I work out and I work really hard and there’s just nothing I can do about it, he says in the video below.

“I still don’t have the body that I want but I’m trying really hard to love myself… I’m not going to be ashamed of who I am, not anymore.”

“I couldn’t tell others that I wanted them to love themselves and keep myself hidden away and ashamed of my skin,” he says through tears in the video.

Although Diaz was fearful the reaction would be greatly negative, he’s received thousands of messages in support of his brave video.

Read more:The amazing weight loss story that the fitness industry wouldn’t publish.

The emotional message inspired many of those supporters to donate to a Go Fund Me page set up by Diaz to raise money for surgery to remove the excess skin.

That page has already received over $50,000 from strangers around the world.

“I was so self-conscious, and my faith in humanity has never been stronger after [the video] went us,” he told ABC News.

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